![]() Alister McGrath
For three years, he carried out scientific research, leading to the publication of a number of peer-reviewed research articles, while also studying for the Oxford's school of theology. He was awarded a fellowship in 1976 to study lipid transfer at the State University of Utrecht. In 1977 McGrath was awarded an Oxford D.Phil. for his research in the natural sciences and the following year gained first class honors in the school of theology. The interaction of Christian theology and the natural sciences has subsequently been a major theme of his research work, as demonstrated in his three volumes on scientific theology (2001-2003). McGrath left Oxford to study at Cambridge and to serve the Church of England, first as a deacon in 1980, then as a priest, beginning in 1981. In 1983 he returned to Oxford as lecturer in Christian doctrine and ethics. He gave the 1990 Bampton Lectures, exploring the factors which led to the origins of doctrinal statements in Christianity. McGrath became a research lecturer in theology at Oxford in 1993, and also served as research professor of theology at Regent College, Vancouver, B.C., from 1993-1999. In 1999 he was awarded a personal chair in theology at Oxford. He earned an Doctorate of Divinity at Oxford in 2001 for his research on historical and systematic theology. In 2004 McGrath became the first director of the newly-established Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. In 2006 he accepted a research fellowship to begin directing a major new research project on natural theology. As a former atheist, McGrath is respectfully critical of the movement. In recent years, he has been especially interested in the emergence of "scientific atheism," and has researched the distinctive approach to atheist apologetics found in the writings of the Oxford zoologist Richard Dawkins. McGrath regularly engages in debate and dialogue with leading atheists. At present, he is researching the iconic role played by Charles Darwin in atheist apologetics, and the appeal to the controversial concept of the "meme" in recent atheist accounts of the origins of belief in God. The Apostles' Creed: Its Origin and Its Relevance for Today (DVD) Christian Spirituality (1999) Christian Spirituality: An Introduction (1999) Creation (2004) Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life Doubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith (2007) For All the Saints: Evangelical Theology and Christian Spirituality (with Timothy George) (2003) The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion (1999) The Future of Christianity (2002) Glimpsing the Face of God: The Search for the Meaning of the Universe (2002) Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought (1998) Incarnation (2006)
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation (2nd ed.) Knowing Christ (2002) A Life of John Calvin (1993) A Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism (1999) Redemption (2006) Resurrection (2007) Science and Religion: An Introduction (1998) The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology (2004) A Scientific Theology Vol. 1: An Introduction (2004) | Vol. 2: Reality (2003) | Vol. 3: Theory (2003) Self Esteem: The Cross and Christian Confidence (2002) Studies in Doctrine (1-vol. edition) (1997) Theology: The Basics | Theology: The Basics (2nd ed.) (2007) The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World (2006) NEW OR USED FROM AMAZON: Beyond the Quiet Time: Practical Evangelical Spirituality (1995) Christianity: An Introduction (2005) A Cloud of Witnesses: Ten Great Christian Thinkers (2005) Enigma of the Cross: Exploring the Heart of the Christian Faith (1996) Explaining Your Faith: Without Losing Your Friends (1989) The Genesis of Doctrine: A Study in the Foundation of Doctrinal Criticism (1997) I Believe: Understanding and Applying the Apostles' Creed (1991) Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification (2005) The Journey: A Pilgrim in the Lands of the Spirit (2001) Journey Through Suffering: Understanding the Dark Side of Life (1996) Justification by faith: What it means for us today (1988) Luther's Theology of the Cross: Martin Luther's Theological Breakthrough (1990) Making Sense of the Cross (1992) Mystery of the Cross (1990) Natural Theology (2008) The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology (2006) The Reenchantment of Nature: The Denial of Religion and the Ecological Crisis (2003) Reformation Thought: An Introduction (2000) The Renewal of Anglicanism (1993) Roots That Refresh: A Celebration of Reformation Spirituality (2001) Science of God (2004) Searching for God (2000) Spirituality in an Age of Change: Rediscovering the Spirit of the Reformers (1994) The Sunnier Side of Doubt (1990) Theology for Amateurs (with Michael Green) (2000) Understanding and responding to moral pluralism (1994) Understanding Doctrine: What It Is and Why It Matters (1992) Understanding Jesus (1987) Understanding the Trinity (1990) Understand Your Bible for Adam to Zion: A Clear Explanation of God's Word (2001) The Unknown God: Searching for Spiritual Fulfillment (1999) What Was God Doing on the Cross? (2002) Why Does God Allow Suffering? (2000)[TOP] HOME Newsletter Shallows Depths Studylinks DS Bookstore About DS Contact DS © 2007 DeeperStudy.com | Steve Singleton, All Rights Reserved |