![]() D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Lloyd-Jones was born in Cardiff, Wales. He attended school in London and after medical training became an assistant in 1921 to the Royal Physician Sir Thomas Horder. After struggling over the call to preach, in 1927 he accepted a call to a church in Aberavon, Wales. In 1939 he left Abervon to serve as co-pastor of London's Westminster Chapel, working alongside G. Campbell Morgan. In 1943 Morgan retired, leaving Jones as the sole pastor of Westminster Chapel. Lloyd-Jones was well-known for his expository style of preaching, and the Sunday meetings he conducted drew crowds of several hundred, as did the Friday evening Bible studies, which were, in effect, sermons in the same style. His sermons were transcribed, printed, and read avidly. Lloyd-Jones retired in 1968, following a major operation. He revealed his belief that God had stopped him from continuing to preach through Romans because he did not know enough about "joy in the Holy Spirit," which was to be his next sermon (based on Romans 14:17). (His teaching about the Holy Spirit is my main disagreement with him.) For the rest of his life he concentrated on editing his sermons to be published, counseling other ministers, answering letters and attending conferences. Perhaps his most famous publication is a series of commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans. Lloyd-Jones died in his sleep at Ealing on March 1, 1981. Lloyd-Jones was one of the most influential preachers of the twentieth century. Many volumes of his sermons have been published by Banner of Truth, as well as other publishing companies. In his book, Preaching and Preachers, Lloyd-Jones describes his views on preaching, or what might be called his doctrine of homiletics. In this book, he defines preaching as "Logic on fire." The meaning of this definition is demonstrated throughout the book, in which he describes his own preaching style which had developed over his many years of ministry. Lloyd-Jones' preaching style was therefore set apart by his sound exposition of biblical doctrine and his fire and passion in its delivery. He is thereby known as a preacher who continued on it the Puritan tradition of experimental preaching. A famous quote on the effects of Lloyd-Jones preaching is given by theologian and preacher J. I. Packer, who wrote that, upon his first hearing of Lloyd-Jones' preaching, he had, "never heard such preaching." It came to him "with the force of electric shock, bringing to at least one of his listeners more of a sense of God than any other man."
Studies in the Book of Acts 6-volume set | 1: Authentic Christianity | 2: Courageous Christianity | 3: Victorious Christianity: Studies in the Book of Acts, vol. 3 | 4: Glorious Christianity | 5: Triumphant Christianity | 6: Compelling Christianity Studies in Romans Exposition of Romans, 14 vols. | Romans: God's Sovereign Purpose | Rom. 1: The Gospel of God | Rom. 2:1-3:20: The Righteous Judgment of God | Rom. 3:20-4:25: Atonement and Justification | Rom. 5: Assurance | Rom. 6: The New Man | Rom. 7:1-8:4: The Law --Its Functions & Limits | Rom. 8:5-17: The Sons of God | Rom. 8:17-39: The Final Perseverance of the Saints | Rom. 10: Saving Faith | Rom. 11: To God's Glory | Rom. 12: Christian Conduct | Rom. 13: Life in Two Kingdoms | Rom. 14:1-17: Liberty and Conscience Studies in Ephesians God's Eternal Purpose: Exposition of Ephesians, 8 vols. Studies in Psalms Seeking the Face of God: Nine Reflections on the Psalms | True Happiness: Psalms 1 and 107 Studies in 1 John Life in Christ: Studies in I John The Christian in an Age of Terror: Sermons for a Time of Ware (2008) Raising Children God's Way (2007) Why Does God Allow War? (2003) Great Doctrines of the Bible, 3 vols. in 1 (2003) My Soul Magnifies the Lord (2000) God's Way, Not Ours: Isaiah 1 (1999) The Path to True Happiness: John 2 (1999) Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (1999) Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons (1995) Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God (1995) Truth Unchanged Unchanging (1993) What is an Evangelical (1992) The Kingdom of God (1992) Knowing the Times (1990) Revival (1987) The Cross (1986) Evangelistic Sermons (1984) Authority (1984) Preaching and Preachers (1972) Spiritual Depression (1965) Letters 1919-1981 (1995) NEW OR USED FROM AMAZON: Studies in 1 John Life in Christ (5 vols. in 1) | 1: Fellowship with God | 3: Children of God | 4: The Love of God | 5: Life in God The All-Sufficient God (2005) The Life of Joy and Peace: An Exposition of Philippians (1999) The Church and the Last Things (1998) God the Holy Spirit (1997) God the Father, God the Son (1996) Why Does God Allow Suffering? (1994) I Am Not Ashamed: Advice to Timothy (1990) Faith Tried and Triumphant (1990) Faith on Trial: Studies in Psalm 73 (1982) [TOP] HOME Newsletter Shallows Depths Studylinks DS Bookstore About DS Contact DS © 2007 DeeperStudy.com | Steve Singleton, All Rights Reserved |