![]() John Mark Hicks
Hicks received his B.A. in Bible from Freed-Hardeman University (1977), his M.A.R. in Theological Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary (1979), his M.A. in Humanities (Philosophy) from Western Kentucky University (1980), and his Ph.D. in Reformation and Post-Reformation History from Westminster Theological Seminary (1985). He has published numerous popular and scholarly articles, contributed to thirteen books, and authored an additional eight. In addition to various ministry positions in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Alabama and Mississippi, he has served as an education minister in churches in Memphis and Nashville, as well as a church planter in Cordova, TN. At present he is preaching for the Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis, TN. Hicks has lectured widely across the U.S. and in Japan, Korea, Uganda, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Croatia, Italy, Ukraine, Jamaica, England, Wales, Russia, and Honduras.
Down in the River to Pray: Revisioning Baptism as God's Transforming Work (with Greg Taylor, 2004) NEW OR USED FROM AMAZON: Kingdom Come: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of David Lipscomb and James Harding (with Bobby Valentine, 2006) Come to the Table: Revisioning the Lord's Supper (2002) 1 & 2 Chronicles (The College Press NIV Commentary, Old Testament Series, 2001) Yet Will I Trust Him: Understanding God in a Suffering World (1999) Woman's role in the church (1978) A teenager speaks on spiritual gifts (1977)[TOP] HOME Newsletter Shallows Depths Studylinks DS Bookstore About DS Contact DS © 2007 DeeperStudy.com | Steve Singleton, All Rights Reserved |