William Barclay (1907-1978) was appointed Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at Glasgow University in 1963. A gifted scholar and preacher, he has made his lifework sharing his understanding of the Bible with the lay person. A regular contributor to British magazines and journals, he was also an experienced radio and TV broadcaster. Strengths: Barclay is wonderful for his insights into both Old Testament and New Testament backgrounds and especially for this word studies, drawn from classical and rabbinic sources. Weaknesses: Barclay was neo-orthodox, which means he uses biblical terms but sometimes changes their meanings. He sometimes seems unconcerned about the historicity of biblical narratives so long as the religious meaning is true. He consistently rejects or explains away the miraculous in Scripture. He was also a universalist, holding that everyone eventually will be saved. Both of these views are contrary to the plain teaching of Holy Scripture. --Steve
Barclay's Guide to the New Testament (2008)
A Barclay Prayer Book (2003)
The New Daily Study Bible, New Testament 17 vols. (2002)
Jesus and the Cross (2001)
Discovering Jesus (2000)
 The Lord's Prayer (1999)
The Apostles' Creed (1999)
The Ten Commandments (1999)
Parables of Jesus (1999)
Introducing the Bible (1997)
Beginner's Guide to the New Testament (1995)
And He Had Compassion: The Miracles of Jesus (1982)
The Mind of Jesus (1976)
New Testament Words (1976)
Introduction to the First Three Gospels (rev. ed., 1976)
The Mind of St. Paul (1975)
The Master's Men (1975)
And Jesus Said: A Handbook on the Parables of Jesus (1970) [TOP]
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