We are royals!We always knew what Bob was going to say. In every talk he gave, every time he read the Scriptures, and in every prayer he led, he always started with, "Isn't it great to be a child of the King?” And all of us would say, "Amen!" or "That’s right!” And we would feel better about ourselves and about the day ahead. Repetition has its place. If you don't think so, look at Psalm 136 in which the sentence, "His love endures forever,” occurs 26 times. Bob repeated his question so often that it soaked through my thick, hearditallbefore skull and took its permanent residence in my subconscious. Now, whenever someone says, "Isn't it It is great to be a member of a royal family, and not just any royal family, but the royalty that rules the Universe itself. Talk about family pride! Talk about legacy! "All things are yours, whether... the world or life or death or the present or the futureall are yours, and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's" (1 Cor. 3:2123). Being royals imposes on us certain responsibilities as we represent our Father, the King. But the duties of living as princes and princesses who must uphold the family reputation are worth the privileges of belonging to Him now and reigning with Him later. Having Him as our King is good; knowing Him as our Father is awesome! |
Steve Singleton DeeperStudy.com |