Do you feel headed for shipwreck? |
The ocean liner Achille Lauro sailed perpetually under a dark cloud. In 1953 it collided with another ship. In 1975 it rammed a Lebanese vessel, killing ![]() Do you think of yourself as having similar fortune to the Achille Lauro? Maybe your heart echoes this paraphrase of Job’s complaints: "I wish I had never been born! (He says this sort of thing for 13 verses!) I’m up against a brick wall with no way out. All I ever do is sigh and groan. My troubles are like a sandbag sitting on top of me. It’s like I’ve been shot with poisoned arrows, besieged by an army of terrors! Do you think I’m complaining wihout good reason? My life is like eating tasteless food; it makes me sick. If only God would just kill me and get it over with! The pain never stops. I’m too weak to hope anymore. Day and night, I have nothing but misery. My time is running out, and there’s no hope. Someday soon I’ll be gone. You’ll look around, but I will have vanished. I have a right to complain and be bitter. I can’t get any sleep, or if I do, I have terrifying dreams. I’d prefer strangling to that kind of sleep! God uses me for target practice. Why doesn’t He just forgive me? Soon I’ll be dead." Here’s the good news: We serve a God that can reach us in our time of need, no matter where we are. The psalmist knew this by experience: “If I make my bed in the depths. . . even there you hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Ps. 139:10). Even if we feel submerged in sorrows, sinking down to the bottom of the ocean, from the deepest of those depths He can lift us up. God did not abandon Job, but sustained him through his suffering. He will not abandon us, either. Even if you sense a dark cloud is following you around, that you have no answers to your questions, God is faithful. Turn to Him, call to Him, seek His face. He wants to be found, and He is never far away to those whose hearts reach out to Him. |
Steve Singleton |