Dr. Cottrell has been involved in various ministries in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. He is a prolific writer, having written on various theological subjects including grace, Biblical authority, ‘tough’ questions, baptism, feminism, the book of Romans, the Holy Spirit and many other theological issues and subjects.
The Faith Once For All: Bible Doctrine for Today (2007)

Power From On High (2007)
Perspectives on Election: Five Views (ed. Chad Owen Brand, 2006) Cottrell’s view is Arminian.
Romans Volume 2 (NIV Commentary, 1998)
Baptism: A Biblical Study (1989)
Gender Roles & the Bible: Creation, the Fall, & Redemption: A Critique of Feminist Biblical Interpretation (1994)
Headship, submission, and the Bible (1997) [TOP]
From Amazon Books:
Romans (vol. 1 – chaps. 1-8) (1996)