Online commentaries (NT)

Disclaimer Guidance in selectionCommenting & Commentaries by C. H. Spurgeon (1876) | Commentary & Reference Survey (2007) | OT Commentary Survey (2007) | NT Commentary Survey (2006) The Biblewhole Bible commentaries on sale

New Testament | J. A. Bengel, Gnomon of the NT – Vol. 1: Matthew – ActsVol. 2: Romans – Revelation | New Testament commentaries on sale

  1. Gospel Accounts | John Calvin’s Harmony of Evangelists (Mt, Mk, & Lk): vol. 1vol. 2vol. 3 | B. F. Westcott – Introduction to the Study of the Gospels (1902) | S. Brauning – The Gospels in Parallel An Inductive Comparison | Gospel Accounts commentaries on sale
    1. Matthew
      John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | Matthew Poole | W. C. Allen (Greek) | Albert Barnes | A. Carr | A. Carr (Greek) | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | John Darby | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Matthew Henry | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | C. S. Keener (IVP) | Alexander Maclaren – Intro. – ch. 13Vol. 2: ch. 14 – 28 | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | A. Plummer (Greek) | A. T. Robertson | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | Juan de Valdés | John Wesley | Special studies on Matthew: A. W. Pink – Exposition of Sermon on the Mount | Matthew commentaries on sale
    2. Mark
      John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | Matthew Poole | Albert Barnes | R. H. Boll | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | John Darby | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | E. P. Gould (Greek) | Matthew Henry | A. F. Hort (Greek) | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | G. F. Maclear | G. F. Maclear (Greek) | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | James Morison (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | J. Hamblin Smith (Greek, short notes) | H. B. Swete (Greek) | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Special studies: John W. Burgon – Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated (1871) |
      Mark commentaries on sale
    3. Luke
      John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | Matthew Poole | Albert Barnes | D. L. Bock (IVP) | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | John Darby | F. W. Farrar (Greek) | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | F. Godet (Greek) | Matthew Henry | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | A. Plummer (Greek) | James Stark (Intro.- ch. 10) | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Arthur Wright (Greek) | Special studies: William K. Hobart – The Medical Language of St. Luke (1882) | William M. Ramsay – “Luke the Physician” (1908) | P. C. Sense – Critical & Historical Enquiry into the Origin of the Third Gospel (1901) | Luke commentaries on sale
    4. John
      John Calvin: chaps 1 – 11 • | chaps 12 – 21 | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | August
      | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | A. W. Pink | Marcus Dods – Vol. 1: ch. 1 – 11Vol. 2: ch. 12 – 21 | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | W. A. O’Conor | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | Alexander Maclaren – Vol. 1: ch. 1 – 8Vol. 2 – ch. 9 – 14Vol. 3: ch. 15 – 21 | A. Plummer | A. Plummer (Greek) | Frederick L. Godet – Vol. 1: Intro. & 1:1 – 2:11 (Greek)Vol. 3: 11:1 – 21:25 | B. F. Westcott (Eng text) | B. F. Westcott (Greek) – Vol. 1: Intro & chaps. 1 – 7 | R. A. Whitacre (IVP) | Burton Coffman | L. Deason (1989) | Special studies: Edmund H. Spears – The Fourth Gospel: The Heart of Christ (1872) | J. B. Lightfoot – “Evidence for the Genuineness of the Gospel of John” (1890) | H. H. Wendt – Gospel of John: Its Genesis & Historical Value (1902) | James Drummond – Inquiry into the Character & Authorship of the Fourth Gospel (1903) | Edwin A. Abbott – Johannine Grammar (1906) | C. F. Burney – The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1922) | George B. Stevens – The Johannine Theology (1894) | John commentaries on sale
  2. History of Primitive Church | Acts commentaries on sale Acts – John Calvin: Acts chaps 1 – 13chaps 14 – 28 | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | J. W. McGarvey | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | C. R. Erdman | P. J. Gloag (Greek) – Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1-12Vol. 2: chaps. 13-28 | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | J. R. Lumby | J. R. Lumby (Greek) | Thomas E. Page (Greek) | J. Hamblin Smith (Greek, short notes) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | W. J. Larkin (IVP) | Special studies: James Smith – The Voyage & Shipwreck of St. Paul (1856) | J. B. Lightfoot – “History of Apostle Paul After the Close of Acts” | William Falconer – Dissertation on St. Paul’s Voyage (1870) | W. J. Conybeare & J. S. Howson – The Life & Epistles of St. Paul (1864): Vol. 1 (Acts 9 – 19; Early epistles)Vol. 2 (Acts 20 – 28; prison epistles, pastoral epistles, & Hebrews) | Acts commentaries on sale
  3. Paul’s Letters | F. W. Farrar – Life and Works of St. PaulVol. 1 (Acts 9-18; Thessalonians)Vol. 2 (Acts 18-28; Travel Epistles, Prison Epistles, Pastoral Epistles) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “Chronology of the Life & Epistles of Paul” | George B. Stevens – Pauline Theology | Paul’s Letters commentaries on sale
    1. Romans
      John Calvin | Martin Luther – PrefaceCommentary | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | Benjamin Jowett (Greek) | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | H. C. G. Moule | Charles Hodge | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | F. Godet – Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1 – 6Vol. 2: chaps. 6 – 16 | Charles Neil | W. Sanday & A. C. Headlam (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “Structure & Destination of Romans”“Epistle to the Romans” | F. H. A. Hort “On the End of Romans” | Romans commentaries on sale
    2. 1 Corinthians
      John Calvin: 1 Cor. chaps 1 – 14chaps 15-16 | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | Charles Hodge (Greek) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | T. C. Edwards (Greek) | H. Olshausen & J. E. Cox (Greek) | J. J. Lias | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | Special studies: John Brown – The Resurrection of Life An Exposition of I Corinthians XV with a Discourse on the Resurrection of Our Lord (1852) | 1 Corinthians commentaries on sale [top]
    3. 2 Corinthians
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | J. H. Bernard (Greek) | Charles Hodge (Greek) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | H. Olshausen & J. E. Cox (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | L. L. Belleville (IVP) | Alfred Plummer (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “Mission of Titus to the Corinthians” | 2 Corinthians commentaries on sale
    4. Galatians
      John Calvin | Martin Luther | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | Benjamin Jowett (Greek) | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | John Macrgregor | William M. Ramsay | J. R. Boise (Greek) | Frederic Rendall (Greek) | G. G. Findlay | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. H. Perowne | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek) | G. W. Hansen (IVP) | E. DeW. Burton (Greek) | Special studies: H. D. Betz, “Literary Composition & Function of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians” (2002) | Galatians commentaries on sale
    5. Ephesians
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | S. D. F. Salmond (Greek) | G. G. Findlay | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | Allan Turner | John Eadie (Greek) | T. K. Abbott (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “Destination of the Epistle to the Ephesians” (1904) | Ephesians commentaries on sale
    6. Philippians
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) | H. A. A. Kennedy (Greek) | Robert Rainy | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | Allan Turner | C. H. G. Moule | C. H. G. Moule (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | G. D. Fee (IVP) | M. R. Vincent (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “The Churches of Macedonia” | Philippians commentaries on sale
    7. Colossians John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | Alexander Maclaren | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | John Rutherford | H. C. G. Moule | A. S. Peake (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek) | T. K. Abbott (Greek) | R. W. Wall (IVP) | Special Studies: H. C. G. Moule – Colossian and Philemon Studies (1861) | Colossians commentaries on sale
    8. 1 Thessalonians
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | Benjamin Jowett (Greek) | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | James Denney | George Milligan (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | G. G. Findlay | James Moffatt (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) | J. E. Frame (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – “The Churches of Macedonia”“The Church of Thessalonica” | 1 Thessalonians commentaries on sale
    9. 2 Thessalonians
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | Benjamin Jowett (Greek) | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | James Denney | G. Milligan (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | G. G. Findlay | James Moffatt (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) J. E. Frame (Greek) | 2 Thessalonians commentaries on sale
    10. 1 Timothy
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | A. E. Humphreys | Alfred Plummer | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | N. J. D. White (Greek) | B. W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | P. H. Towner (IVP) | Special Studies: J.B. Lightfoot – “The Date of the Pastoral Epistles” | 1 Timothy commentaries on sale
    11. 2 Timothy
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | N. J. D. White (Greek) | A. E. Humphreys | Alfred Plummer | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | Tal Ilan | 2 Timothy commentaries on sale
    12. Titus
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | N. J. D. White (Greek) | A. E. Humphreys | Alfred Plummer | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | P. H. Towner (IVP) | Titus commentaries on sale [top]
    13. Philemon
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | [H. B. Hackett] (Greek) | J. R. Boise (Greek) | W. E. Oesterley (Greek) | | Alexander Maclaren | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek) | R. W. Wall (IVP) | M. R. Vincent (Greek) | Special Studies: H. C. G. Moule – Colossian and Philemon Studies (1861) | Philemon commentaries on sale
  4. General Letters | General Letters commentaries on sale
    1. Hebrews
      John Chrysostom’s Homilies on Hebrews | John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | A. W. Pink | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | T. C. Edwards | August Tholuck (Greek) – Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1 – 8Vol. 2: chaps. 9 – 13 | John H. A. Ebrard (Greek) | Moses Stuart (Greek) | F. S. Sampson & R. L. Dabney (Greek) | A. S. Patterson | James Moffatt | F. W. Farrar | F. W. Farrar (Greek) | B. F. Westcott (Greek) (2d ed. 1892) | Marcus Dods (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | A. W. Pink | Edward Fudge | Special studies: George Milligan – Theology of Hebrews (1899) | Hebrews commentaries on sale
    2. James
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Alfred Plummer | J. A. W. NeanderA. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James Moffatt | A. Carr (Greek) | Joseph B. Mayor (Greek) | E. H. Plumptre | F. J. A. Hort (Greek – 1:1-4:7) | G. M. Stulac (IVP) | W. E. Oesterley (Greek) | J. H. Ropes (Greek) | Special Studies: William Patrick – James, the Lord’s Brother (1906) | J. B. Lightfoot – “The Brethren of the Lord” (1865) | James commentaries on sale
    3. 1 Peter
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Lumby | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. H. Plumptre | F. J. A. Hort (Greek) – Intro. & 1:1 – 2:17 | Howard B. Masterman (Greek) | C. Bigg (Greek) | 1 Peter commentaries on sale
    4. 2 Peter
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Lumby | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James Moffatt | E. H. Plumptre | C. Bigg (Greek) | Special studies: “The Authenticity of 2 Peter” (1999) | 2 Peter commentaries on sale
    5. 1 John
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | Robert Law (caution: 27.7 Mb!) | John Wesley | Robert S. Candlish | A. Plummer | William Alexander | J. H. A. Ebrard (Greek) | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F. Westcott (Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 1 John commentaries on sale
    6. 2 John
      Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | A. Plummer | William Alexander | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F. Westcott (Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 2 John commentaries on sale
    7. 3 John
      Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | A. Plummer | William Alexander | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F. Westcott (Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 3 John commentaries on sale
    8. Jude
      John Calvin | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Alfred Plummer | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James Moffatt | E. H. Plumptre | C. Bigg (Greek) | Jude commentaries on sale
  5. Revelation (or The Apocalypse) | Revelation commentaries on sale | Steve Singleton – Overcoming: A Study Guides to the Book of Revelationdigital edition | Audible edition (abridged) | Matthew Poole | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Thomas Whittemore | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | William Milligan – ExpositionDiscussions | John N. Darby | A. T. Robertson’s Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. W. Hengstenberg – Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1-12Vol. 2: chaps 13 – 22 | E. B. Elliott (1844) – Horae ApocalypticaeVol. 1: Intro. & chaps 1 – 6Vol. 2: chaps 7 – 11Vol. 3: chaps 12 – 16Vol. 4: chaps 17 – 22 • Abridged edition: The Last Prophecy