Love God with all my soul


I. Systematic Theology


      1. Books on Sytematic Theology
        trinity design

        This figures sympolizes the Trinity – three, yet one. The egg (shell, white, and yolk), water (steam, liquid, ice), and the shamrock have also served to illustrate the same concept.

        1. Stanley J. Grenz – Theology for the Community of God (1999)
        2. Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology (1996)
        3. James Arminius (1560-1609) – Complete Works
        4. Louis Berkhof – Summary of Christian Doctrine (1932, rev. 1938)
        5. Loraine Boettner – The Trinity | Inspiration of the Scriptures | Total Depravity | The Atonement | Salvation by Grace
        6. James P. Boyce – Abstract of Systematic Theology (1887)
        7. John Calvin – Institutes of the Christian Religion (orig. Latin, 1536; Eng. transl. 1599)
        8. A. A. Hodge – Commentary on Westminster Confession of Faith (1869)
        9. W. N. Clarke – Outline of Christian Theology (1899)
        10. Charles Hodge – Systematic Theology: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Index (1871)
        11. Martin Luther – Table Talk (Eng. transl., 1646)
        12. James Orr, et al. – The Fundamentals: Introduction | Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4 (1917)
        13. Philip Schaff – Theological Propaedeutic: Introduction to Study of Theology (1893)
        14. Augustus H. Strong – Systematic Theology: 1. Prolegomena | 2. The Existence of God | 3. The Scriptures: Revelation from God | 4. The Nature, Decrees, & Works of God – Part 1 (Attributes of God, Trinity, Decrees)Part 2 (Creation, Preservation, Providence, Good & Evil Angels) | 5. Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man | 6. Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation through Christ & the Holy Spirit – Part 1 (Christology)Part 2 (Reconciliation) | 7. Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church | 8. Eschatology: The Doctrine of Final Things
        15. Benjamin B. Warfield – Selected Essays
        16. Richard Watson – Theological Institutes (1851) [TOP]
      2. Theology: The Godhead
        1. Millard J. Erickson – Making Sense of the Trinity: Three Crucial Questions (2000)
        2. Arthur W. Pink – The Attributes of God (rerprint: 2006)
        3. Warren Myers & Ruth Myers – Experiencing God’s Attributes (2003)
        4. J. Rendel Harris – Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity (1919)
        5. W. N. Clarke – The Christian Doctrine of God (1909)
        6. G. S. Faber, Doctrine of the Trinity – Vol. 1: Teaching of the Apostles | Vol. 2: Objections Considered (1832) [TOP]
      3. Bibliology: The Holy Scriptures
        1. Revelation
        2. Inspiration
        3. Historicity
        4. Credibility of its Miracles
          1. C. A. Auberlen – The Divine Revelation (1867).
        5. Inerrancy
      4. Christology: Jesus the Christ
        1. Christologies
          1. Richard N. Longenecker – Contours of Christology in the New Testament (2005)
          2. C. F. D. Moule – The Origin of Christology (1977)
          3. Stuart Olyott – Jesus is Both God and Man: What the Bible Teaches About the Person of Christ (1982)
          4. Benjamin W. Bacon – Jesus the Son of God or Primitive Christology (1911)
          5. John C. Granbery – Outline of New Testament Christology: A Study of Genetic Relationships within the Christology of the New Testament Period (1909)
          6. James Stalker – The Christology of Jesus: Being His Teaching Concerning Himself According to the Synoptic Gospels (1899)
        2. Deity of Christ
          1. Robert Bowman and J. Ed. Komoszewski. – Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ (2007)
          2. Darrell L. Bock and Daniel B. Wallace. – Dethroning Jesus: Exposing Popular Culture’s Quest to Unseat the Biblical Christ (2007)
          3. Josh McDowell and Bart Larson – Jesus: A Biblical Defense of His Deity (1983)
        3. Humanity of Christ (Incarnation)
          1. Alister E. McGrath – Incarnation (2006) Reflections involving paintings, literature, theology, and prayer.
          2. Oliver D. Crisp – Divinity & Humanity: The Incarnation Reconsidered (2007)
          3. A. B. Bruce – The Humiliation of Christ, In Its Ethical, Physical, and Official Aspects (1876)
          4. Steve Singleton – “Is Jesus Christ Still Human?” (2010) [TOP]
        4. Messianic prophecies
          1. List of Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies
          2. Herbert Lockyer – All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible (1988) I disagree with Lockyer’s millennial leanings, but otherwise this is excellent.
          3. Walter C. Kaiser Jr. – The Messiah in the Old Testament (1995)
          4. Michael L. Brown – Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Vol. 3 – Messianic Prophecy (2003)
          5. E. W. Hengstenberg – Christology of the OT & Commentary on the Messianic Predictions (1868) Vol. 1 | Vol. 2
          6. Edward K. A. Riehm – Messianic Prophecy: Its Origin, Historical Growth, and Relation to New Testament Fulfillment (1891)
          7. F. Delitzsch – Messianic Prophecies (1880)
          8. P. J. Gloag – The Messianic Prophecies (The Baird Lecture for 1879)
        5. Conception & Birth
          1. Robert Gromacki – The Virgin Birth: A Biblical Study of the Deity of Jesus Christ (2008)
          2. Raymond E. Brown – The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (2007)
          3. William M. Ramsay – Was Christ Born in Bethlehem? (1898) – historicity of nativity
          4. R. H. Grützmacher – The Virgin Birth (1907) [TOP]
          5. James Orr – The Virgin Birth (1907)
          6. Thomas J. Thorburn – A Critical Examination of the Evidences for the Doctrine of the Virgin Birth (1908)
          7. G. Gresham Machen – The Virgin Birth (1930, reprinted many times)
        6. Teachings
          1. General
            1. Herbert Lockyer – All the Teachings of Jesus (Repr. 1999)
            2. Robert H. Stein – The Method & Message of Jesus’ Teachings (Rev. ed., 1994)
            3. A. K. Rogers – The Life and Teachings of Jesus: A Critical Analysis (1894)
          2. Parables
            1. Parables of Jesus – Alphabetical List | Scripture List
            2. Robert H. Stein – An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus (1981)
            3. Craig L. Blomberg – Interpreting the Parables (1990)
            4. H. B. Swete – Studies in the Teaching of Our Lord (1903)
            5. A. B. Bruce – The Parabolic Teaching of Christ: A Systematic and Critical Study of the Parables of Our Lord (4th ed., 1886).
            6. R. C. Trench – Notes on the Parables of Our Lord (1867) Trench tends to over-allegorize, that is, in many of the details of the parables he finds symbolic meaning that is not justifiable by the text. I believe that Jesus did sometimes tell allegorical parables, but an analysis of his audiences and the historical background must serve as a control that limits the common tendency to over-allegorize.
            7. Thomas Whittemore – Notes & Illustrations of the Parables of the New Testament (Rev. ed., 1855)
          3. Discourses
            1. Mike Abendroth – Jesus Christ, The Prince of Preachers: Learning from the Teaching Ministry of Jesus (2008)
            2. Thomas C. Hall – The Messages of Jesus According to the Synoptists (1901)
            3. James S. Riggs – The Messages of Jesus According to the Gospel of John (1908)
            4. John Brown – Discourses & Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 (1856) [TOP]
          4. Sermon on the Mount
            1. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones – Studies in the Sermon on the Mount (reprinted many times since 1960)
            2. Carl G. Vaught – The Sermon on the Mount: A Theological Investigation (Rev. ed., 2001)
            3. Benjamin W. Bacon – The Sermon on the Mount: Its Literary & Didactic Purpose (1902)
            4. August Tholuck – Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, transl. R. L. Brown (4th ed., 1860)
          5. The Agrapha (Possible sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical accounts of the Gospel)
            1. Hans-Josef Klauck – The Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction (2004)
            2. Wilhelm Schneemelcher – New Testament Apocrypha: Vol. 1: Gospels and Related Writings, transl. R. McL. Wilson (rev., 2003)
            3. Bernard Pick – Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ (1908)
            4. James deQ. Donahoo – The Apocryphal & Legendary Life of Christ (1903)
            5. Blomfield Jackson – Twenty-five Agrapha or Extra-canonical Sayings of Our Lord (1900) [TOP]
          6. Miracles
            1. Complete list of the miracles of Jesus | Print version
            2. George Campbell. A Dissertation on Miracles: Containing an Examination of the Principles advanced by David Hume, Esq; In an essay on miracles. 2d ed. (1766).
            3. B. F. Westcott. Characteristics of the Gospel Miracles. (1859)
            4. A. B. Bruce. The Miraculous Element in the Gospels. (1886)
            5. R. C. Trench. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord. 15th ed. (1895)
            6. Recent works on the miracles of Jesus:
              1. Vern S. Poythress. The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior’s Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption (2016)
              2. Jared Wilson. The Wonder-Working God: Seeing the Glory of Jesus in His Miracles (2014)
              3. Gregory T. Riether. Real Grace:The Miracles of Jesus (2013)
              4. Richard D. Phillips – Mighty to Save: Discovering God’s Grace in the Miracles of Jesus (2001)
              5. David Otto. The Miracles of Jesus (2000)
              6. Charles C. Ryrie – The Miracles of Our Lord (1984)
              7. Article: Craig L. Blomberg – “The Miracles as Parables” (1986)
          7. Trials
            1. John Gilmore – The Trials of Christ: The Moral Failures of Those Who Judged Jesus (2001)
            2. Walter M. Chandler – Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer’s Standpoint (1908) – 1: The Hebrew Trial | 2: The Roman Trial (1908)
            3. R. W. Husband – The Prosecution of Jesus: Its Date, History, and Legality (1916)
          8. Death
            1. Martin Hengel – Crucifixion (1977) Wealth of background from ancient literary sources regarding the horror of crucifixion.
            2. Leon Morris – The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross (1955) This is the classic and careful treatment of the multifaceted significance of the death of Christ. If you don’t have this, you should sell your coat and buy it!
            3. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones – The Cross (1986) Excellent collection of expository sermons.
            4. Martin Robinson – The Passion and the Cross: Why Did Jesus Have to Die? (2005)
            5. James Denney – The Death of Christ: Its Place and Interpretation in the New Testament (1911 edition)
            6. Martin Hengel – Crucifixion of Christ (chapter 12: Summary) (1977) [TOP]
            7. Arthur W. Pink – The Seven Sayings from the Cross
          9. Atonement
            1. J. I. Packer & Mark Dever – In My Place Condemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement (2008)
            2. Leon Morris – The Atonement: Its Meaning & Significance (1984)
            3. George Smeaton – The Doctrine of the Atonement as Taught by Christ Himself (1871)
            4. William Symington – On the Atonement… of Jesus Christ (1836)
            5. John Taylor – The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement Examined (1809)
            6. James Denney – The Atonement and the Modern Mind (1903)
          10. Reconciliation
            1. Colin E. Gunton, ed. – Theology of Reconciliation (Research Institute in Systematic Theology Series, 2003)
            2. James Denney – The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation (1917)
            3. Arthur W. Pink – The Doctrine of Reconciliation
          11. Resurrection
            1. Francis X. Durrell – Christ Our Passover: The Indispensable Role of Resurrection in Our Salvation (2003)
            2. William Lane Craig – “Historicity of the Empty Tomb of Jesus” (1985)
            3. Kirsopp Lake – The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1907)
            4. William Milligan – The Resurrection of Our Lord (1917)
            5. Brooke Foss Westcott – The Gospel of the Resurrection: Thoughts on Its Relation to Reason & History (4th ed., 1879)
            6. George Moberly – The Sayings of the Great 40 Days Between the Resurrection and Ascension, regarded as the Outlines of the Kingdom of God (1871) [TOP]
          12. Ascension
            1. Derek Thomas – Taken Up to Heaven: The Ascension of Christ (1997)
            2. H. B. Swete – The Ascended Christ: A Study in the Earliest Christian Teaching (London: Macmillan, 1910).
            3. William Milligan – The Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord (1892).
          13. Present work
            1. Michael Plant – Before the Throne of God Above: Jesus, Our Heavenly High Priest (2007)
            2. William Milligan – The Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord (1892).
            3. John Bunyan – The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate Clearly Explained (6th ed., 1725) | Work of Jesus Christ–Easy-to-Read-Edition
            4. William Symington – On the … Intercession of Jesus Christ (1836)
          14. Return (Parousia)
            1. Les Brittingham – Taking a Second Look at the Second Coming: A Sensible Alternative to Current Prophecy Teaching (2005)
            2. S. P. T. Prideaux – The Second Coming of Christ: An Essay in Interpretation (1918)
            3. Israel P. Warren – The Parousia: A Critical Study of the Scripture Doctrines of Christ’s Second Coming (2nd ed., 1884)
            4. David Brown – Christ’s Second Coming: Will It Be Premillennial? (7th ed., 1882) [TOP]
      5. Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit
        1. For purchase:
          1. Jack Cottrell – The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study
          2. F. D. Bruner – A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness
          3. Harvey Floyd – Is the Holy Spirit for Me?
          4. John Stott – Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today (1976)
        2. For online reading:
          1. H. B. Swete – The Holy Spirit in the New Testament: A Study in Primitive Christian Teaching (1909)
          2. H. B. Swete – On the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit with Especial Reference to the Controversies of the Fourth Century (1873)
          3. Abraham Kuyper – The Work of the Holy Spirit (1900) – Despite my disagreement with Kuyper on some points, such as his view of speaking in tongues and of the role of the Spirit in conversion, he provides us with much valuable information. As in all study, you must exercise discernment!
        3. Attributes of the Spirit
          1. E. R. Hendrix – The Personality of the Holy Spirit (1903) [TOP]
        4. Glossalalia (Speaking in Tongues)
          1. Merrill F. Unger – New Testament Teaching on Tongues (repr. 2002)
        5. Gifts of the Spirit
          1. S. N. Gundry, Wayne Grudem, eds. – Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views (1996) Four views are: Cessationist – R.B. Gaffin Jr., Open but Cautious – R.L. Saucy, Third Wave – S. Storms, and Pentecostal/Charismatic – D.A. Voss
          2. Samuel E. Waldron – To Be Continued: Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today? (repr. 2007)
        6. Discerning one’s spiritual gift(s)
          1. Bobby Chilton – Spiritual Gifts: A Self-Study or Group-Study Manual (1996)
          2. Bruce Bugbee – Discover Your Spiritual Gifts the Network Way (2004)
        7. The Fruit of the Spirit
          1. Thomas E. Trask & Wayde I. Goodall – The Fruit of the Spirit: Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be (2000)
          2. Philip D. Kenneson – Life on the Vine: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Christian Community (1999)
      6. Anthropology: The Human Identity
        1. Herman Hoeksema – Knowing God and Man (2006) Calvinist perspective
        2. Linleigh Roberts – Let Us Make Man (1988)
        3. John Laidlaw – The Bible Doctrine of Man (1879)
        4. Julius Müller, The Christian Doctrine of Sin – Vol. 1: The Existence of Evil | Vol. 2: The Possibility of Sin & The Diffusion of Sin (1853)
        5. Steve Singleton – “True Guilt or Guilt Feelings? What is Your Spiritual Diagnosis? What’s the Remedy?” [TOP]
      7. Ecclesiology: The Community of the Redeemed
        1. Nature of God’s Church
          1. Everett Ferguson – The Church of Christ: A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today
          2. F. J. A. Hort – The Christian Ecclesia: A Course of Lectures on the Early History and Early Conceptions of the Ecclesia (1897).
        2. Nature of Christian Worship
          1. John L. Girardeau – Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of the Church (1888). This Presbyterian seminary professor makes a strong case against musical instruments in worship under the New Covenant based on sound hermeneutical principles. [TOP]
          2. James Begg – The Use of Organs and Other Instruments of Music in Christian Worship Indefensible (1866). This work inclued Begg’s earlier work, A Treatise on the Use of Organs, &c. (1808).
          3. J. F. Keating – The Agape and the Eucharist in the Early Church: Studies in the History of the Christian Love-feasts (1901)
          4. R. Lee Cole – Love-feasts: A History of the Christian Agape (1916)
      8. Satan & Demonology: The Unswerving Enemy of the Saints
        1. Merrill F. Unger – Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today (1995) A thorough and reverent examination of the passages of the Old and New Testaments, shedding light upon the invisible spiritual forces at work today.
        2. Erwin W. Lutzer – The Serpent of Paradise: The Incredible Story of How Satan’s Rebellion Serves God’s Purposes (1996) Lutzer contends that we cannot properly understand Satan unless we first understand God. When we stand in awe of God, we will find it unnecessary to stand in awe of Satan.
        3. Anonymous – The Satan of Scripture (1876).
      9. Eschatology: The Consummation of History
        1. General works on eschatology
          1. William Barclay – At the Last Trumpet: Jesus Christ and the End of Time (1998) Provides a short commentary on virtually every end-times passage in the New Testament
        2. Different Schools of Eschatological Interpretation<li>
          1. Surveys of the different schools
            1. Robert Clouse, ed. – The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views (1977)
            2. Stanley N. Gundry, ed. – Three Views on the Rapture (1996)
          2. Amillennial
            1. Preterist

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            2. Continuous Historical
            3.  Symbolic
          3.  Premillennial
            1. Pre-Trib: Dispensational Premillennialism
            2. Mid-Trib
            3. Post-Trib: Historical Premillennialism (Chiliasm)
          4.  Postmillennial
        3. The Intermediate State
        4. The Day of Christ
          1. Resurrection of the dead
          2. Judgment Day
        5. Eternal Life (New Heavens & New Earth)
        6. Eternal Death (Hell)
          1. Survey of interpretations
          2. Eternal Conscious Torment
          3. Annihilation (Conditionalist)

II. Theological systems

        1. Sacramental theology
          1. Books recommended for purchase:
            1. J. H. Armstrong, P. E. Engle, & R. D. Moore, eds. – Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper (2007). The four views are: Memorialism (Baptist) – R. D. Moore, Spiritual Presence (Reformed) – J. Hesselink, Consubstantiation (Lutheran) – D. P. Scaer, and Transubstantiation (Catholic) – T. A. Baima. Each critiques the other’s statement of his view.
            2. Gordon T. Smith, ed. – The Lord’s Supper: Five Views (2008). The five views are: Roman Catholic – J. Gross, Lutheran – J. R. Stephenson, Reformed – L. Van Dyk, Baptist – R. E. Olson, and Pentecostal – V.-M. Kärkkainen. Each critiques the other’s statement of his view.
            3. P. E. Engle and J. H. Armstrong, eds. – Understanding Four Views on Baptism (2007). The four views are: Baptist – T. J. Nettles, Reformed – R. L. Pratt Jr., Lutheran – R. Kolb, and Christian Churches/Churches of Christ – J. D. Castelein. Each critiques the other’s statement of his view.
            4. Everett Ferguson – Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology, and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries (2008). Highly recommended comprehensive survey by this leading expert in early Christianity.
          2. Recommended for online reading:
            1. Steve Singleton – “Come Together or Scattered: A Neglected Purpose of Communion.”
            2. Steve Singleton – “Communion Meditation: His Heart is With Us.”
            3. Steve Singleton – “Electrocution in the Baptistery: Why Risk It?”
        2. Lutheran theology
          1. Timothy F. Lull, ed. – Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings (2nd ed., book & CD-ROM, 2004).
          2. C. E. Braaten – Principles of Lutheran Theology (2nd ed., 2007).
          3. Hans J. Iwand – The Righeousness of Faith According to Luther (2008).
        3. Reformed theology
          1. Description of:
            1. Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, & Gise J. Van Baren – The Five Points of Calvinism
            2. Loraine Boettner – The Five Points of Calvinism
          2. Critiques:
            1. Laurence M. Vance – The Other Side of Calvinism (Rev. ed., 1999)
            2. Dave Hunt and James White – Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views (2004)
            3. Robert Shank – Life in the Son (1960, paperback 1989) | Elect in the Son (1970, paperback, 1989)
            4. Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? A Debate – Trent Horn, affirmative; James White, negative – Part 1 (1 hr. 17 min.)
              | Part 2 (1 hr. 27 min.) | EXCELLENT EVALUATION: Review, I (13 min) | Review, I (15 min)
            5. J. M. Pinson, ed. – Four Views on Eternal Security (2002) The four views are: classical Calvinism – M. S. Horton, Moderate Calvinism – N. L. Geisler, Reformed Arminianism – S. M. Ashby, & Wesleyan Arminianism – J. S. Harper. Each presents his own view, and the others critique it. Then the original presenter responds.
            6. M. Dieter, A. Hoekema, & S. M. Horton, eds. – Five Views on Sanctification (1987) The five views are: Wesleyan – M. E. Dieter, Reformed – A. A. Hoekema, Pentecostal – S. M. Horton, Keswick – J. R. McQuilkin, and Augustinian-Dispensational – J. F. Walvoord. Each critiques the other’s statement of his view.
            7. George Bryson – The Five Points of Calvinism: Weighed and Found Wanting (2006)
            8. F. F. Kearley – “The Biblical Doctrine of Predestination, Foreordination, and Election”
            9. Calvinism Refuted | Total Hereditary Depravity (Inherited Sin) | Unconditional Election (Predestination) | Limited Atonement (Christ didn’t die for all mankind) | Irresistible Grace (feelings you are saved) | Perseverance of the Saints (Once saved always saved) |
            10. Norman Geisler – Chosen but Free: A Balanced View of God’s Sovereignty and Free Will, rev. ed. (2010)
            11. Dave Hunt – What Love is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God (paperback, 2013)
            12. Dave Hunt and James White – Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views (2004)
            13. Laurence Vance – The Other Side of Calvinism (rev. ed., 1999)
        4. Dispensational theology
          1. Description of:
            1. Defined (Wikipedia)
          2. Critiques:
            1. Keith A. Mathison – Dispensationalism: Rightly Dividing the People of God? (1995)
            2. Grover Gunn – Dispensationalism: An Abbreviated Critique
            3. Dispensationalism: Return to Biblical Theology or Pseudo-Christian Cult? – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Appendix & Glossary
            4. Behind “left Behind”: Is the Popular Novel Series a Reliable Guide to End-Time Events? by Steve Singleton
        5. Biblical theology
          1. Bernhard Weiss – Biblical Theology of the New Testament: – Vol. 1 | Vol. 2
          2. Geerhardús Vos – Biblical Theology: Old & New Testaments (1994) [TOP]