17th and 18th centuries

Modern Christianity: Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries

  1. History of the Christian Church from the Reformation to Today by Johann Heinrich Kurtz (1890, hereafter abbreviated as KCH)
  2. “Relations between the Different Churches” (3:1ff in KCH)
  3. “The Roman Catholic Church” (3:19ff in KCH)
  4. “The Lutheran Church” (3:39ff in KCH)
  5. “The Reformed Church” (3:50ff in KCH)
  6. “Anti- and Extra-Ecclesiastical Parties” (3:66ff in KCH)
  7. “From Peace of Westphalia to the Present Time (1648-1887)” (484ff in FHCC)
  8. “Ecclesiastical Events in the Last Half of the Seventeenth Century” (484ff in FHCC)
  9. “Events in Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Prior to the French Revolution)” (497ff in FHCC)
  10. “Church History in the Eighteenth Century” (3:84-156 in KCH) [TOP]
  11. “Religion in England & Revivals in America in the Eighteenth Century” (509ff in FHCC)
  12. “Events in Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Prior to the French Revolution)” (497ff in FHCC)
  13. “The Papacy Since the Fall of Napoleon I: Christianity in the European Countries” (532ff in FHCC)
  14. “Historical Sketch of Religious Denominations in the United States” (559ff in FHCC)
  15. “Christian Missions” (582ff in FHCC)
  16. “History of Doctrines” (598ff in FHCC)
  17. “Christian Piety & Christian Philanthropy” (641ff in FHCC)
  18. “Appendices” (665ff in FHCC)
  19. The English Church from the Accession of George I to the End of the Eighteenth Century (1714–1800) by J. H. Overton and Frederic Relton (1906)
  20. The Revival of Religion in New England by Jonathan Edwards (1742, reprint: 1829) [TOP]
  21. Want to go deeper?

    The following are useful resources to purchase when pursuing your study of church history: