Trust your heart?
A much-quoted Bible passage is: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will guide your paths” (Prov. 3:5-6). Want to go deeper?
In its context, these verses say almost the opposite of what people have understood them to mean. The traditional way of understanding these verses (isolated from their context) is: don’t try to think things through logically; just go with your (hopefully God-guided) intuition. What does your heart tell you to do?
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But the context leads us in a different direction: God has revealed in Scripture what he wants you to do (as reinforced by your parents’ instruction). Don’t arrogantly say, “I know what God says, but here’s what I think is best” (in rebellion to His revealed will). Instead our attitude should be, I’m going to do what God says to do even if I think it will hurt me in the short run; in the long run I will experience His blessing.
Look at this brief analysis of its meaning on pp. 56-57 of Garry Friesen’s excellent book, Decision Making and the Will of God. []
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