Inscriptions (OT)

Introduction to Northwest Semitic Epigraphy (OT)

Important inscriptions for Old Testament background

Old Phoenician
  1. The Ahiram Inscription – C. C. Torrey, “The Ahiram Inscription of Byblos,” Journal of American Oriental Society 45 (1925): 269-279. | Photo
  2. The Yahimilk Inscription – Wikipedia article | Photo
  3. The Kalamuwa Inscription – Wikipedia article with photo
  4. The Azatiwada Inscription – Wikipedia article with photo under “Karatepe bilingual.”
Old Hebrew
  1. The Gezer Calendar – Wikipedia article with photo
  2. Kuntillet Ajrud Pithos A and B – Wikipedia article with photos
  3. The Siloam Tunnel Inscription – Wikipedia article with photo
  4. Arad Ostraca – Wikipedia article with photos
  5. The Mesad Hashavyahu (Yavneh Yam) Osctracon – Wikipedia article with photo | Article by K. C. Hanson
  6. Katef Hinnom Amulet 1 – Wikipedia article with photos | Article by Kaspars Ozolins with photos
  1. The Mesha Inscription – “Mesha Stela” (Wikipedia article with photo)
Deir Alla
  1. The Deior Alla Plaster Inscriptions (Combination I) – Wikipedia article with photo
  1. The Katumuwa Inscription – Kattamuwa Stela (Wikipedia article with photo)
Old Aramaic
  1. The Tel Dan Inscription – “Tel Dan Stele” (Wikipedia article with photo)
  2. The Tek Fekherye Inscription – Wikipedia article with photo
  3. The Sefire Treaty I – Wikipedia article with photo

Want to dive deeper?

Online databases

  1. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum (CIS, 1881-1962) – Introduction | Various volumes
  2. Kanaanaiesche und Aramaische Inschriften (KAI, 1960-64+)
  3. Keilalphabetische Texte aus Ugarit (KAU, 1976+)
  4. Ebla Digital Archives

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