Zondervan Bible Commentary, One-volume Illustrated
By F. F. Bruce
The best-selling Gold Medallion Award-winning commentary is now even better! Based on the TNIV, this information-packed volume weaves key insights from 43 world-class scholars with a wealth of color photographs, maps, charts, timelines, and sidebars to help you understand key biblical passages. Applications, cross-references, quotes from historic figures, and expanded bibliographies round out this superb resource. 1696 pages from Zondervan.
The New Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary on the Bible
By Edited by David L. Petersen & Beverly Roberts Gaventa / Abingdon Press
The New Interpreter’s Bible One Volume Commentary brings the best of biblical scholarship to the service of the church. This volume features new articles on all the books of the bible, including the Apocrypha, as well as numerous general articles on the history, interpretation, and use of the Bible. The authors are a diverse group of the top biblical scholars in the world, and they provide thoughtful, challenging, and enlightening commentary on the eternal truths of Scripture. This commentary uses the NRSV version of the Bible.
The The New Interpreter’s Bible One Volume Commentary is designed for pastors, students, Bible teachers, and laypersons–and anyone else who wants a portable, accessible, and trustworthy resource for deeper Scripture study. It is a great complement to the New Interpreter’s Study Bible.
Wycliffe Bible Commentary
By Moody Publishers
Scholars from across the conservative spectrum in American Protestant Christianity have combined to produce a valuable one-volume commentary on the entire Bible. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary brings together scholars from 15 different denominations and 25 schools of Christian higher education, and focuses on determining the meaning of the text. It is neither a devotional commentary nor a technical exegesis, but is an insightful help for serious Bible students looking to understand the text. Introductory information such as authorship, dating and an outline of the text is included for every book of the Bible, as is a bibliography for each book. Thus, The Wycliffe Bible Commentary proves itself a valuable resource for any serious Bible student.
Overview of The Wycliffe Bible Commentary:
- Theologically conservative (Evangelical)
- Semi-technical (Greek and Hebrew words are transliterated when they appear)
- A phrase-by-phrase commentary based on the King James Version (KJV)
- geared for Bible students and pastors
MacArthur Bible Commentary
By Thomas Nelson / WA crowning achievement from one of America’s leading Bible teachers!
Bringing the same expositional skill and down-to-earth style to this one-volume commentary as he has to his best-selling multivolume New Testament set, MacArthur offers a non-technical passage-by-passage examination of the whole Bible. Short introductions, cross-references, and word-study sidebars complement MacArthur’s masterful analysis. 1800 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
Believer’s Bible Commentary
By William MacDonald / Thomas Nelson / W
Written to give “the average Christian reader a basic knowledge of what the Holy Bible is all about,” the Believer’s Bible Commentary is a one-volume commentary on the entire Bible based on the New King James Version (NKJV). Author William MacDonald has compiled an insightful and applicable commentary, with introductions, notes, and bibliographies for each book of the Bible. This commentary is both a verse-by-verse exposition (in the New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes) and a paragraph-by-paragraph exposition (all other Old Testament books). Passages in the Old Testament which point toward Christ are given special attention.
Overview of the Believer’s Bible Commentary:
- Based on the New King James Version (NKJV)
- A combination of verse-by-verse and paragraph-by-paragraphy exposition
- Numerous charts, maps, and illustrations
- Non-technical (no knowledge of Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic necessary)
- Geared toward the average Christian, but helpful to pastors and students as well
- Thorough and comprehensive, yet accessible
Layman’s Bible Commentary Set
By Tremper Longman III, Mark Strauss & Stephen Leston / Barbour Books
An approachable, user-friendly reference for all readers! Covering Genesis to Revelation, this accessible commentary features an interactive page layout; “big picture” summaries of each passage; critical insights that help you contextualize important topics; demystifying explanations of confusing references and customs; and “take it home” questions that help you apply God’s Word to your life. 12 slipcased softcovers, from Barbour.
The Bible Exposition Commentary
By Warren W. Wiersbe / David C. Cook / Hard cover
Countless pastors, teachers, and students have pored over the best-selling Be series—and now these insightful studies are available in one complete set for a spectacular price! From Genesis to Revelation, Wiersbe unpacks the meaning and message of Scripture with a skilled exposition that remains ever-mindful of practical application. Approx. 3000 pages total, six hardcovers from Cook.
New Bible Commentary, 21st Century Edition
By Inter-varsity Press
The best one-volume commentary is now even better. Editors D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, and G. J. Wenham have compiled a completely revised edition from the original New Bible Commentary(1953) and the first revision (1970). The New Bible Commentary: 21st-century Edition offers laypeople and teachers a clear, understandable explanation and application of all sixty-six books in the Bible, along with numerous maps, diagrams, and tables. Seven new introductory articles have been added as an overview of biblical history and types of biblical literature. They include:
- Approaching the Bible, by Donald Carson
- Biblical History, by Gordon McConville
- The Pentateuch, by Gordon Wenham
- Poetry in the Bible, by Philip Jensen
- Apocrypha and Apocalyptic, by Roger Beckwith
- Reading the Gospels, by R. T. France
- Reading the Epistles, by Donald Carson
Contributors include: T. Desmond Alexander, George R. Beasley-Murray, Donald Carson, Richard T. France, Donald Guthrie, Gordon P. Hugenberger, Philip A. Jensen, J. A. Motyer, Moisés Silva, Douglas Stuart, Gordon J. Wenham, and others.
Overview of the New Bible Commentary: 21st-century Edition:
- Theologically moderate/conservative
- Non-technical (no knowledge of Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic needed)
For laypeople and teachers
- Uses the New International Version (NIV) Bible as its English base [TOP]
The scholars who contributed to this volume are outstanding conservative commentators. This commentary is highly recommended. —Steve
Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament & New Testament
By Edited by John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck / Cook Communications
Edited by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary features insightful exposition and commentary on the entire Bible from members of the distinguished Dallas Theological Seminary faculty. For commentary from the historical-grammatical and premillennial perspectives, its hard to beat this commentary, and the commitment to scriptural inerrancy is unmatched. Thoroughly conservative and Evangelical, this commentary showcases what Dallas Theological Seminary has become world famous for, and offers all students of the Bible an insightful and applicable commentary.
Overview of the Bible Knowledge Commentary:
- Theologically conservative (Evangelical)
- Based on the New International Version (NIV)
- Mainly a section-by-section commentary, with a good amount of verse-by-verse commentary as well
- Non-technical (all original languages are transliterated)
- Designed for all Christian students and learners
Special features:
- Introduction, outline, commentary and bibliography for each book of the Bible
- Explanations of problem passages, alleged discrepancies, customs, geographical locations, and key Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic words
- Numerous maps, charts and diagrams for easy reference
- A presentation of each book’s argument, and how that book’s purpose unfolds and develops
- Numerous cross-references to parallel topics and passages
If you choose this volume, just keep in mind Walvoord’s dispensational premillennial stance. Amillennialists may want to select an alternative. –Steve
The Pulpit Commentary, 23 Volumes
By Hendrickson Publishers
Vast in scope and exhaustive in content, this commentary has proven over the years to be one of the most valuable sources for reference and sermon material available. Able expositions of text, suggested sermon outlines, and solid research are designed to meet the needs of evangelical preachers and students. 95,000 entries in 23 hardcovers, from Hendrickson.
Please Note: Due to the weight of this set, we must charge our International Customers an additional $50.00 Postage Surcharge to help cover our shipping costs.
The entire Pulpit Commentary is now available for free online here (zip files to download and unzip). Check it out before purchasing.
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 13 Volumes: Old and New Testaments
By Frank E. Gaebelein / Zondervan Corp.
For more than 20 years, the EBC has been widely recognized by preachers, teachers, and laypeople as one of the best commentaries available. Each Bible book features an insightful introduction, detailed outline, penetrating theological and critical exposition, and useful bibliography. Notes on textual difficulties are kept separate and all Hebrew and Greek is transliterated. This commentary uses the New International Version for its text, but freely refers to other translations and the original languages.
Note to our international customers: Due to the weight of The Expositor’s Bible Commentary Complete Set (OT & NT), 12 Volumes, this product has an additional $50.00 international shipping surcharge to help us cover our actual shipping costs. The surcharge will be reflected on the final checkout screen before you submit your order.
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 5 Volumes: New Testament
By Frank E. Gaebelein / Zondervan Corp.
One of the best New Testament commentaries available today, theEBC is clear, usable, and consistently evangelical. It features new scholarship (all volumes published 1976-1984), book introductions and outlines, bibliographies, and transliteration and translation of Semitic and Greek words. And it’s based on the NIV! Includes mammothcommentaries by D.A. Carson on Matthew, and by Merrill C. Tenney on John. Five hardcover volumes, 3229 pages, Zondervan.
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary 4 Volume Set
By Edited by Clinton E. Arnold / Zondervan Corp.
In response to the request from average Christians for more information about the historical and socio-cultural backgrounds of the New Testament, Zondervan has released the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary. Evangelical scholars offer background information from relevant papyrii, inscriptions, archaeological discoveries, and the study of Judaism, Roman culture,Hellenism, and other features of the New Testament world, supplemented by stunning photographs, maps, and diagrams, which combine to offer one of the most visually appealing commentaries on the market.
- Clinton E. Arnold – General Editor/Acts/Ephesians/Colossians
- Michael J. Wilkins – Gospel of Matthew
- David E. Garland – Gospel of Mark
- Mark L. Strauss – Gospel of Luke
- Andreas Kostenberger – Gospel of John
- Douglas J. Moo – Romans/James/2 Peter/Jude
- David W.J. Gill – 1 Corinthians
- Moyer V. Hubbard – 2 Corinthians
- Ralph P. Martin, Julie L. Wu – Galatians
- Frank Thielman – Philippians
- Jeffrey A.D. Wiema – 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- S.M. Baugh – 1 & 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon
- George H. Guthrie – Hebrews
- Peter H. Davids – 1 Peter
- Robert W. Yarbrough – 1, 2 & 3 John
- Mark W. Wilson – Revelation
Overview of the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary:
- Theologically conservative (Evangelical)
- Non-technical (no knowledge of Greek or Aramaic necessary)
- Based on the New International Version (NIV)
A section-by-section look at the socio-cultural and historical background of the New Testament and its context
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Abridged Edition–2 Volumes
By Kenneth L. Barker & John R. Kohlenberger III / Zondervan Corp.
One of the best commentaries available is now easily affordable! Get the essential content of the award-winning 12-volume set—distilled into two space-saving studies. Editors Barker and Kohlenberger retain the original in-depth biblical insights but avoid unnecessary technical details. Includes maps, charts, and pictures, as well as Goodrick/Kohlenberger numbers for Greek and Hebrew words. 2832 pages total, two hardcovers from Zondervan.
Matthew Poole’s Commentary, 3 Volumes
By Matthew Poole / Hendrickson Publishers
Perhaps the only true rival to Matthew Henry! Charles Spurgeon said, “If I must have only one commentary, and had read Matthew Henry as I have, I do not know but what I should choose Poole. He is a very prudent and judicious commentator… not so pithy and witty by far as Matthew Henry, but he is perhaps more accurate, less a commentator and more an expositor.” 3104 pages total, three hardcovers from Hendrickson.
This commentary is almost as popular as Barnes or Henry. Keep in mind, however, that Poole wrote it in the 1600s, and it will therefore not contain the result of nearly four centuries of exegesis, philological work, scholarly discussions, or archaeological excavations. —Steve