Here are some basic study tools you can get to “go deeper.” It’s important to find the right tools, those that closely match your level of expertise. I have tried to categorize the Bible dictionaries for you so that you will better know what you are getting. You can also generally tell by the price: the cheaper it is, the more elementary and the more pricey, the more advanced. I have added notes here and there to help you along in your decision-making process. All such notes will be in this same, navy-blue color. —Steve
- Concordances
- Introductions to Bible Study
- Bible dictionaries
- Word Study dictionaries
- Bible background
- Bible atlases & charts
Where to Find It in the Bible
By Ken Anderson / Thomas Nelson / W. What does the Bible say about modern concerns such as stress, nutrition, or computers? Ordinary concordances aren’t much help, but this offbeat topical concordance lets you find biblical answers to contemporary issues like these. In everyday, non-theological language, you can locate specific Bible references to over 3,700 subjects, circumstances, and situations from A to Z. 578 pages, soft cover from Nelson.
God’s Word Complete Concordance
By William Mounce / World Publishing. From the publisher: A helpful tool that gives immediate access to important words in God’s Word. Features: An alphabetical index of all the major words within God’s Word; Each unique word, hyphenated word, or multiple word phrase is listed as an individual entry; Word frequencies are listed next to each word entry; Three column format; Traditional word appendix gives words and contemporary equivalents. 1248 pages, 6 1/8″ x 9 1/8″.
The New Thematic Concordance
By Geoffrey Stonier / Christian Focus PublicA concordance can be a really useful tool to help you, but most just list words–so what happens if the word you are looking for doesn’t come from the translation that the concordance is for?One answer to the problem is a topical Bible concordance. If you know the subject you want to study then a topical Bible concordance shows you where in the Bible that subject or theme is developed. Before long you will find that The New Thematic Concordance is an indispensable tool.
Greek/NIV – The Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament
By John Kohlenberger / Zondervan Corp.The Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament is an exhaustive index to three Greek texts: United Bible Societies – 4th edition, Nestle-Aland – 26th edition, and the Greek text underlying the New International Version of the Bible. It replaces the venerable Englishman’s Greek Concordance by George Wigram, published over 150 years ago. This concordance lists all occurrences of a given Greek word (even where there is not a direct English equivalent) in Greek alphabetical order, shows the interrelationship between the English and Greek texts, including redundant cognates and repeated Greek words, as well as multiple-word translations, uses the Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering system (with cross-reference to Strong’s numbers), allowing for accurate identification of Greek words and use with The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance, is keyed to BAGD and NIDNTT, contains an exhaustive NIV-to-Greek index, and includes a phrase concordance for phrases such as Son of Man, kingdom of God, and others. If you know Greek even a little bit, then you ought to be studying how the Greek words of the NT change in meaning from context to context. An example is “kingdom” (Greek: basileia. There’s a big difference in meaning between, say, Herod’s kingdom and God’s. Does the phrase in the Lord’s Prayer, “May your kingdom come” anticipate the establishment of a physical dominion with a capital city and a literal throne, or is it just another way of stating what the rest of the sentence says, “May your will be done…”? This concordance will help you determine the answer. The meaning of other Greek words changes so much that they require different English renderings, e.g., pneuma – wind, breath, spirit, and Spirit. If you are trying to study this from English only, you will miss some of the occurrences. Highly recommended for those who use the NIV and other modern-speech translations.—Steve
Greek/KJV – Englishman’s Greek Concordance
By George V. Wigram / Hendrickson PublishersThis is the Greek concordance for non-specialists! Every Greek word in the New Testament is listed in Greek alphabetical order, along with a brief rendering in English of every verse in which that word appears. One major improvement: each Greek word is defined so you can compare its various English translations. Entries are coded to Strong’s Concordancefor additional assistance. 1020 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson. Here is a work similar to the one just above, if the KJV is still your preferred translation.—Steve
Hebrew/KJV – The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament
By George V. Wigram / Hendrickson PublishersThis concordance is an improved edition of The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the OT, the standard reference work first issued in 1843. Every Hebrew and Aramaic word of the OT is listed (in Hebrew) alphabetical order, along with a brief rendering in English of every verse in the OT in which that Hebrew or Aramaic word appears. Each
word is coded to Strong’s, thus allowing even those who do not know Hebrew the opportunity to use this work.
Greek/All versions – The Book Study Concordance of the Greek New Testament
By Andreas Kostenberger & Raymond Bouchoc / Broadman / HolmanThis concordance has utilized recent technology breakthroughs to open a new venue of research. This is a collection of twenty-seven concordances listing every word used in alphabetical order book by book. Also provided are word totals, most-frequently-used words, and words set in relation to the New Testament as a whole. This places the words in the context of the author and is also useful in studying the terminology and theology of the New Testament books.
HCSB – HCSB Comprehensive Concordance of the Holy Bible
By Broadman / HolmanThe Holman CSB. Comprehensive Concordance contains nearly 300,000 entries with only 263 common words omitted. All the rest of the words in the Holman CSB are completely listed ensuring that you can find the passage you are looking for, and it will be indispensable for your word studies and devotions. Because it is smaller than an exhaustive concordance, it can be kept handy at your desk or carried with you to church and Bible study. This comprehensive concordance is the first for the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
KJV – The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, Comfort-Print Edition
By John R. Kohlenberger III & James A. Swanson / Zondervan Corp.This concordance is a larger print version of the the most accurate, truly exhaustive Strong’s updated by John Kohlenberger along with James Swanson and compiled and verified by computer technology. In this edition, longstanding errors from the original have been corrected and omissions filled in as well as word studies have been simplified and special care has been taken to maximize the thoroughness and ease of use. The larger type makes this concordance easy to read.Special features include:
- Strong’s numbering system for word studies in Greek and Hebrew
- Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes
- The most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries
- Includes Nave’s Topical Bible Reference System
- Cross-references to places and names used in Bible translations besides the KJV
- Word counts of every word in the
- Fast-Tab locators
- Smythe-sewn binding that opens fully, lays flat, and lasts longer
- Maps”
KJV – New Strong’s Concise Concordance of the Bible
By Thomas Nelson / W. The New Strong’s ® Concise Concordance of the Bible is designed to serve the needs of the average Bible student. It delivers the trusted Strong’s scholarship in a portable and manageable format, a is a complete concordance without the ancient languages. If you want a convenient Strong’s concordance for finding Bible verses and studying the Bible in English, then this is the concordance for you. Note: Print is very small.Special Features:
- Simple, intuitive guide to any verse in the Bible
- Definitions and pronunciation guides for all proper nouns
- Fan-Tab ® Thumb Index System
KJV – New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
By James Strong / Thomas Nelson / W. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible has been the standard Bible concordance for pastors, scholars, and laypersons for over a century. This edition provides the classic Strong’s features in a smaller, more convenient form. other smaller-sized editions, this portable version is truly exhaustive. It indexes every word of the King James Version, including articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. This concordance gives you the in-depth reference information you want, wherever you need it. Also features the Fan-Tab Thumb Index Reference System.
KJV – Cruden’s Complete Concordance
By Alexander Cruden / Zondervan Corp.For over 250 years, Cruden’s Complete Concordance has been a standard tool for serious study of the Bible. This edition offers you the most accurate, comprehensive, and readable rendering of Alexander Cruden’s masterwork. The straightforward, uncluttered style lets you select from over 220,000 Scripture references to swiftly locate the exact words, topics, verses, and passages you’re looking for. Compact and easy to use, this concordance is a practical, convenient, eminently useful companion to the King James Version and other classic translations. This concordance features: definitions and commentaries where appropriate, a list of seldom-mentioned biblical names, an appendix of names in the Old and New Testaments, complete with their meanings, a list of the names and titles given to Jesus Christ, and a list of titles and descriptions given to the church. This concordance is part of the Zondervan Classic Reference Series.
KJV – Young’s Analytical Concordance
By Robert Young / Hendrickson PublishersYoung’s is comprehensive, accurate, and exhaustive. It’s often preferred for word studies because of its unique format: passages for the English words are arranged under the Greek or Hebrew words that they translate. This beautiful edition now includes the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back. And, unlike other editions, this one is printed on high-quality paper. A super buy! 1205 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson.
Nelson’s Compact Bible Concordance
By Thomas Nelson / W. This book has the power and classic features of Nelson’s New Strong’s in a concise and compact edition. It helps you access the references you need quickly and easily.
KJV – Cruden’s Complete Concordance, hardcover
By Alexander Cruden / Hendrickson PublishersCruden’s has consistently been one of the most popular KJV concordances (along with Strong’s and Young’s). Here are over 200,000 references in a portable size—5.75″x 8.5″. 796 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson. A super value!
KJV – The New Combined Bible Dictionary and Concordance
By BakerTwo terrific resources merged into one convenient volume featuring over 10,000 entries! The concordance function lets you quickly identify the exact King James quotation you’re looking for, while the dictionary entries provide clear definitions and explanations of Scripture terms—including people and places. Features an introductory article on “How to Study the Bible.” 454 pages, softcover from Baker.
KJV – Critical Lexicon & Concordance to English & Greek New Testament
By E.W. Bullinger / Kregel PublicationsMaximize your Bible study time with this classic reference. At a glance, you can find the Greek word with its literal and derivative meanings for every word in the English New Testament (KJV). Also valuable for its Greek-to-English index; concordance of proper names; appendix of biblical references to common pronouns, particles, and conjunctions; and more. 1056 pages, hardcover from Kregel.
KJV – Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, The: 21st Century Edition By James Strong / Zondervan Corp.The best, most accurate, and most up-to-date Strong’s concordance on the market! Using the latest biblical scholarship and cutting-edge computer technology, this totally new edition fills in the many omissions and corrects the many errors found in the original Strong’s and all the latest versions, which are little more than cosmetic patch-ups of the original. This twenty-first century edition is far more accurate and complete
than any other Strong’s on the market. In fact, it’s the only truly exhaustive concordance to the KJV.
KJV – New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Comfort Print Edition
By James Strong / Thomas Nelson / WThis edition of Strong’s, concordance is larger print and allows you to study longer and avoid the eye strain. The words of Christ appear in boldface type for quick identification and Nelson’s exclusive Fan-Tab Thumb-Index Reference System helps you locate any word quickly. This concordance is complete and unabridged listing every occurrence of every word as well as complete and unabridged Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.
NASB – The Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance
By Zondervan Corp.This concordance is based on the New American Standard updated Version of the bible. It contains over 400,000 entries that list every word in the NASB Updated Bible alphabetically, with each book, chapter, and verse where the word appears.Features:
- Every word in the updated NASB listed alphabetically and referenced in order of appearance to every book, chapter, and verse of the Bible.
- Enhanced Strong’s numbering system for use with updated NASB
- Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek dictionaries trace words in the NASB text to their equivalents in the original Bible languages for a better
understanding of their meaning and application
- Clear instructions for use of the concordance and dictionaries
- Select bibliography
KJV/NIV – Holman Bible Concordance for Children
By Tracy Wilson White, comp. / Broadman / HolmanNo longer do kids have to wrestle with exhaustive concordances which are heavy and awkward. The Holman Bible Concordance for Kids is easy to handle and provides just the right amount of information. Bible study becomes an adventure as kids learn to pronounce Bible words, discover brief definitions, and explore key passages where that word appears. Unique. The First. The Only. That’s what the HOLMAN BIBLE CONCORDANCE FOR KIDS is! No longer do children have to wrestle with exhaustive concordances which are heavy, awkward, and a little boring. THE HOLMAN BIBLE CONCORDANCE FOR KIDS is light, easy to handle, has just the right amount of information – attractively designed. Bible study becomes adventure rather than boredom as children learn to pronounce Bible words Discover brief definitions explore key passages where that word appears. The Scripture passages come mostly from the KJV supplemented in places by the NIV. Sunday school, Christian school, home school and family times around the Bible will never be the same with THE HOLMAN BIBLE CONCORDANCE FOR KIDS alongside the Bible. TracyeWilson White has taught children in Sunday School for many years. She is also a curriculum writer for LIFEWAY Christian Resources
NIV – The Strongest NIV Exhaustive Concordance
By Edward W. Goodrick & John R. Kohlenberger III / Zondervan Corp.This is an exhaustive concordance based on the best-selling New International Version of the Bible. It gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. This Gold Medallion Award-winning volume is one of the most powerful NIV concordances available today. This is a great addition to your academic library.Features:
- Complete alphabetical listings for every word in the NIV.
- Thorough dictionary-indexes define every Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word in the Bible, including the possible meaning of every proper name.
- Exhaustive listing of every NIV translation for a given word; all related words shown in the original languages.
- Frequency counts given for each original-language word and each of its English translations.
- Special index of articles, conjunctions, particles, prepositions, and pronouns.
- All references listed in biblical order.
- All words cross-referenced to spelling variations and variant forms.
- More than 2,000 key words from the KJV cross-referenced to their NIV equivalents.
- Each word heading lists total number of occurrences in the NIV.
- Special typefaces indicate the word or words used in the NIV translation for all Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek terms.
- Unique numbering system developed by Goodrick and Kohlenberger (G/K) eliminates the inherent gaps, flaws, and inaccuracies of the old Strong’s numbering system.
- Special indexes allow for easy cross-referencing between the G/K numbering system for those using reference books keyed to Strong’s numbers
NIV – New International Bible Concordance
By Edward Goodrick / Zondervan Corp.Bible scholars Edward Goodrick and John Kohlenberger present a concordance specially tailored to your NIV Bible. The New International Bible Concordance features more than 12,800 words found in the NIV text, with a quarter of a million biblical references. The words are arranged in alphabetical order and the references in biblical order. Lists every proper name, including the names and titles of God. Excludes
insignificant words like prepositions, articles, and indefinite pronouns. Formerly The NIV Complete Concordance. 1044 pages, hardcover,Zondervan.
NIV – NIV Compact Concordance
By John Kohlenberger / Zondervan Corp.A streamlined adaptation of the award-winning NIV Exhaustive Concordance that provides more than 50,000 references and over 2,000 exhaustive entries for practical and significant
Bible study. 608 pages, softcover from Zondervan.
NRSV – The Concise Concordance to the NRSV
By Oxford University Press
If you’re using the New Revised Standard Version or the New Oxford Annotated Bible/NRSV, you’ll appreciate this quick-reference guide. The first concordance available for this translation, it’s larger and more comprehensive than earlier concise Bible concordances, and puts at your fingertips citations to key words. Now you can quit struggling with Strong’s and find what you want a whole lot faster! Three columns of listings per page. 320 pages, hardcover from Oxford.
En español –Nueva Concordancia Exhaustiva de la Biblia Strong (New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible) By Editorial CaribeThe Strong’s Concordance has been the favorite among pastors, scholars, and English speaking Bible students for over a century. Now through this Spanish version, not only can you find the verse where the word that you are searching for is, but you can also know the Hebrew or Greek word that it was translated from, as well as the many meanings of it in it’s original use.La Concordancia Strong ha sido la preferida de pastores, eruditos y estudiantes biblicos de habla inglesa durante mas de un siglo. Ahora a traves de esta version en espanol uno puede no solo encontrar el versiculo en que aparece la palabra que busca, sino tambien saber cual fue la palabra hebrea o griega que asi se tradujo y los diversos significados de la misma en su uso original.
Introductions to the Bible study
The Bible Made Easy
By Mark Water / Hendrickson PublishersAn easy-to-use introduction to God’s Word! This colorfully designed pocket guide is topically arranged to provide seekers, new Christians, and longtime believers with quick access to important Bible facts and subjects—including parables, prophecy, and miracles. Includes a foldout timeline that gives you a bird’s-eye view of Bible history! 64 pages, 4″ x 6.75″ soft cover from Hendrickson. [TOP]
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
By Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart / Zondervan Corp.Enjoy God’s Word to the fullest! This classic reader-friendly manual explains the different kinds of biblical literature—such as prophecy, Gospels, poetry, and history—so you can get the most from them. The newly revised third edition includes an updated list
of recommended resources and a new section on the Song of Songs. 288 pages, softcover from Zondervan.
How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour
By Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart / Zondervan Corp.This book is your personal guide to reading through the Bible with understanding. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bible Book by Book takes you by the hand and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its key elements and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately. In an engaging, conversational style, Dr. Gordon Fee and Dr. Douglas Stuart take you through a given book of the Bible using their unique, progressive approach. Features include: Orienting Data: concise info bytes that form a thumbnail of the book, Overview: a brief panorama that introduces key concepts and themes and important landmarks in the book, Specific Advice for Reading: pointers for accurately understanding the details and message of the book in context with the circumstances surrounding its writing, A walk through: the actual section-by-section tour that helps you see both the larger landscape of the book and how its various parts work together to form the whole. How to Read the Bible Book by Book can be used as a companion to How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth or on its own.
La Lectura Eficaz de la Biblia / How to Read the Bible for all Its Worth – Spanish
By Gordon Fee / Zondervan Corp.A new Bible study to help in your reading, study, and comprehension. Both authors enrich the reader’s Bible study by explaining the different forms of Biblical literature and the skills needed for interpretation and application.Un nuevo enfoque de la Biblia para ayudarle en su lectura, estudio y comprension. Los dos autores enriquecen el estudio biblico del lector por explicar las formas diferentes de literatura biblica y
las abilidades necesarias para interpretacion y aplicacion.”
New Testament Exegesis, Third Edition: A Handbook for Students and Pastors
By Gordon D. Fee / Westminster / John Knox. A favorite among pastors and seminary students for 20 years, Fee’s trusted handbook offers a clear, step-by-step process for interpreting the Greek text even if you only know English. This revised, indispensable manual provides seasoned guidance for accurate reading and practical help for sermon preparation. This work includes an extensive annotated bibliography explaining the best resources and an appendix directly addressing reader-response criticism. A must
have for any scholarly library.”
Exégesis del Nuevo Testamento (New Testament Exegesis)
By Gordon Fee / Zondervan Corp.NEW TESTAMENT EXEGESIS. The book provides a step-by-step method for complete exegesis, as well as a brief guide to exegesis for sermon preparation and resources for further studies.EXEGESIS DEL NUEVO TESTAMENTO. Como guia indispensable y estimulante, Exegesis del Nuevo Testamento esta destinado a convertirse en constante compañero de estudiantes y pastores que quieran aprender a analizar exegeticamente el Nuevo
Testamento para profundizar su conocimiento.”
Bible dictionaries
1. Beginner-level dictionaries
The Three-In-One Bible Reference Companion
By Thomas Nelson / WWith an A-to-Z listing of every important word in the KJV, here’s a complete set of study tools in one easy-to-use volume. The concordance lists words and their uses in biblical context; the topical index traces themes and concepts throughout Scripture; and the dictionary explains ideas, people, places, objects, customs, and events. Features a Fan Tab index. 811 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
Bible Personalities A Treasury of Insights for Personal Growth and Ministry
By Warren W. Wiersbe / BakerFrom Aaron to Zedekiah, characters in the Bible struggled with the same obstacles members of today’s congregations experience. They provide great lessons, but busy pastors often lack time for in-depth research. In this helpful resource Wiersbe provides the historical context of each character’s story and selected quotes from respected scholars, so that you can get your character study off to a great start. This volume will be treasured by preachers, youth ministers and Bible teachers everywhere!
Illustrated Bible Handbook
By Lawrence O. Richards / Thomas Nelson / W This book offers unparalleled value for students, pastors, and those who want to study or teach the Bible. It’s a complete, practical, one-volume Bible companion. Including scores of maps, charts, photos, and illustrations, this is a visual guide to interpreting Scripture.
The Student Bible Dictionary
By Karen Dockrey / Barbour PublishingHere is a concise, easy-to-use Bible reference book especially for students of all ages who seek to learn more about the Bible and its times. This dictionary features definitions and explanations of hundreds of Bible words, names, places, and concepts. Scores of full color charts, maps, photographs, and illustrations help to clarify the text, and add visual appeal. Special color coding, meanwhile, adds special emphasis to important topics-which feature additional information geared toward the student reader.
Where to Find It in the Bible, Abridged
By Ken Anderson / Thomas Nelson / W. What does the Bible say about modern concerns such as stress, nutrition, or computers? Ordinary concordances aren’t much help, but this offbeat topical resource lets you find biblical answers to contemporary issues like these. Now you can locate specific Scripture references to hundreds of subjects, circumstances, and situations from A to Z—in everyday, non-theological language. 309 pages, 4.25″ x 7″ soft cover from Nelson. [TOP]
2. One-volume dictionaries
Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
By Thomas Nelson / WA comprehensive one-volume Bible dictionary! With over 7,000 concise entries by the world’s finest evangelical scholars, this handy reference will greatly enrich your Bible study. It features cross-references to six major Bible translations; The Visual Survey of the Bible; over 500 color photos and 3-D maps; outlines; articles; easy-to-read type; a Fan Tab thumb index; and more. 1346 pages, hardcover.
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
By C. Brand, C.W. Draper & A. England / Broadman / HolmanThe Holman Bible Dictionary edited by Trent C. Butler has become one of the best-selling Bible reference tools since its publication in 1991. Now this revised, updated and expanded edition called the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary offers even greater value to Bible students and teachers with over 250 new articles, new maps and charts, and 90 new contributors. This book is designed both for those who need information quickly and those who want in depth treatments of hundreds of topics. Each entry begins with a brief definition of the word followed by more detailed information. Through its more than 700 full-color graphics, this book brings readers right into the world of the Bible and enables them to better understand the Scriptures.Features:
- Exhaustive definitions of people, places, things and events-dealing with every subject in the Bible
- Over 700 full-color photos, illustrations and charts.
- Unique scale drawings and reconstructions of biblical places and objects based on careful archaeological research.
- Over 60 new, full-color maps with map index
- Major articles on theological topics, collective articles on plants, animals, occupations, etc.
- Pronunciation guide for all proper nouns and other hard-to-pronounce words.
- Up-to-date archaeological information from excavations in Israel.
- Timeline that compares biblical history to world history
- Summary definitions that begin each entry for quick reference.
- A variety of Bible translations used-the only dictionary that includes the HCSB, NIV, KJV, RSV, NRSV, REB, NASB, ESV, and TEV.
- Many articles based on the original languages, but written in a user-friendly style. Technical language and abbreviations are avoided.
- Extensive cross-referencing of related articles
- “Quicktabs”—marginal alphabetical guides for quick and easy location of information.
New Bible Dictionary – Third Edition
By Inter-varsity Press. This updated third edition of is a reference work ideally suited for people of all ages and backgrounds. Trusted for over 50 years, it now includes the latest research in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies and archaeological finds. One hundred of the most important articles have been revised and rewritten. All of the bibliographies have been revised, taking into account the vast increase in publications since the second edition was released. Also included is essential background information on the history, geography, and customs of Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbors.
This third edition of the will increase the reader’s knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. It is a great reference book for schools and colleges, theological and Bible college students, ministers and laypeople, teachers and professional scholars–everyone who wants to know and understand the Bible better.Features:
- Over 2,000 entries on the Bibles books, people, places key words, major doctrines
- Maps
- Family trees
- Line drawings
- Diagrams
- Charts
- Illustrations
- An index with 10,000 entries.
I have used the older edition for many years and have found it excellent. It is conservative and generally trustworthy. —Steve
Smith’s Bible Dictionary
By F.N. & M.A. Peloubet, eds. / Hendrickson PublishersThis is a revision by F.N. and M.A. Peloubet of William Smith’s classic Bible dictionary. Their edition preserves the theological substance of Smith’s original work and illuminates it with the insights of more recent archaeological discoveries. It describes the more important people and places of the Bible and the major teachings of Scripture, and includes Smith’s famous 4,000 questions & answers. 912 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson.
3. Multi-volume dictionaries
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 4 Vols.
By Edited by Geoffrey Bromiley / Eerdmans Publishing Co.This set contains over 9,000 topics and 3,500 cross-references, including an article on every name of a person or place mentioned in the Bible. It also examines major Bible doctrines and gives opposing articles on controversial topics to ensure a rounded explanation and description. Hundreds of evangelical contributors from many fields of biblical research make this encyclopedia a well-rounded resource. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Apocrypha and other extra-biblical resources are utilized and explained. This work is based on the Revised Standard Version, however the distinctive readings of the AV and the NEB are included usually as cross-references. ISBE is also an exegetical tool because it provides a brief discussion of problem texts under the English keywords and guides the exegete to more information that is found in other scholarly resources. Each entry provides a maximum amount of information in compact form, including pronunciation, etymology, and variant renderings. This is a must have for any biblical scholar.ISBE is known for being theologically conservative. —Steve
4. Advanced-level dictionaries
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
By Leland Ryken / Inter-varsity Press
This unique reference offers an encyclopedic exploration of topics not found in ordinary Bible dictionaries, including images, symbols, motifs, metaphors, and literary patterns of the Bible. With its right-brain (rather than left-brain) approach, this warm and creative study resource examines the artistic expressions that fascinate and puzzle Christians. A great resource for Bible study, teaching, and preaching. The 1999 Christianity Today “Book of the Year.” 996 pages, hardcover from InterVarsity.I had the chance to look through this volume recently at the Harding University library and was favorably impressed. We don’t have nearly enough tools to help us with biblical figures of speech and imagery. —Steve
Dictionary of Paul & His Letters
By Inter-varsity Press. This one-of-a-kind reference gives you more information than any other single work dealing exclusively with Pauline theology, literature, background, and scholarship. Over 200 articles with hundreds of cross-references, extensive bibliographies, and indexes cover many topics not found even in multivolume Bible encyclopedias. More than 100 scholars from around the world represent the best in mature evangelical thought—committed to the authority of Scripture and to utilizing the best of critical methods. This is sure to bring students, teachers, pastors, and general readers up to speed with contemporary Pauline Studies. 1000 pages, hardcover from InterVarsity.This is another volume that I have actually gotten to use. I’m impressed with the scholarship and the helpfulness of these articles. —Steve
Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments
By Inter-varsity Press. This is the third of IVP’s critically acclaimed series of dictionaries of the New Testament provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles and Revelation. Furthermore, its scope goes beyond the life of the New Testament church to include the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century. The Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments offers a summa of New Testament studies. Designed to bring students, teachers, pastors and general readers up to date and up to speed, this one-of-a-kind reference volume presents more information than any other single work–dealing exclusively with the theology, literature, background and scholarship of the later New Testament and the apostolic church. In-depth, comprehensive articles focus on theological themes, methods of interpretation, background topics and various other subjects specifically related to the study of New Testament theology and literature. Expert contributors include Darrell Bock, George R. Beasley-Murray, I. Howard Marshall, Ben Witherington III and James D. G. Dunn. Wide-ranging articles range from the books of James and Jude to household codes, from the Roman emperor cult to Gnosticism and docetism, questions of canon to second-century church leaders like Ignatius and Polycarp.Assuming that this is up to the same standard as the others in the series, this one is going to be good. The contributors listed are outstanding scholars in their respective fields. —Steve
New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties
By Gleason L. Archer / Zondervan Corp.An invaluable resource for working through difficult passages of Scripture—or conversing with those who believe that “the Bible contradicts itself.” Without resorting to simplistic solutions, Archer makes a compelling case for the unity and integrity of Scripture, providing answers for skeptics and assurance for those confused by apparent discrepancies. 476 pages, hardcover from Zondervan.I spent some time in Archer’s earlier version of this work. He does an excellent job of explaining how we can harmonize various passages. —Steve
Word study dictionariesThe Complete Word Study New Testament
By Spiros Zodhiates / Amg PublishersNow you can dig into the original language of the New Testament without becoming a Greek scholar! This enriching resource assigns aStrong’s reference number to every word in the KJV text, provides grammatical information about each word, and parses each verb.Strong’s Dictionary of the New Testament * Greek concordance * And more! * Size: 6.25″ x 9.25″ x 2.5″ * 1356 pages, hardcover from AMG.Zodhiates is one of many reference works with words tied to Strong’sreference numbers. This makes it easier for those not knowing the original languages to still use mid-level reference works. —Steve
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the Old & New Testament Words
By W.E. Vine / Thomas Nelson / W. This super value edition of a classic study resource helps those with limited or no background in Hebrew or Greek to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages. A great resource for students, pastors, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies.Vine’s is good for an introduction to biblical words. I find myself always wishing he went into more depth. No doubt this revision is an improvement. —Steve
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
By W.E. Vine / Thomas Nelson / W. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words and Unger and White’s Expository Dictionary of the OT in one convenient volume! This revised edition is more comprehensive, since the original Vine’s OT Word Studies was so brief. It also codes each word to Strong’s, BDB Hebrew Lexicon, and BAGD Greek Lexicon. Words are arranged in English. 1119 pages, hardcover from Nelson. All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version.
The Complete Word Study Dictionary : Old Testament
By Warren Baker & Eugene Carpenter / Amg Publishers. This new dictionary completes the AMG Word Study Series. This dictionary allows the person with no prior knowledge of Hebrew or Aramaic to complete an effective word study. Each Hebrew word in this book is listed numerically by its Strong’s reference number. The Complete Word Study Dictionary, Old Testament includes a guide to transliteration, a translational reference index, and is written in an easy to read format.Features for each word listed:
- Derivation
- Exegetical Commentary
- Word History and Etymology
- Derivative, Synonym & Antonym ListsSpiros Zodhiates (Th.D., Luther Rice Seminary) is a recognized authority on the Greek New Testament. He has edited an edition of the Modern Greek New Testament and the author of numerous exegetical books and booklets.
The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words
By James Strong / Thomas Nelson / W. The renowned word study tool is now three times better! Beginning with Strong’s original 14,000 Hebrew and Greek definitions, this handy resource is enhanced with the best material from Vine’s, Thayer’s, andBrown-Driver-Briggs dictionaries. The English word index provides access to original words and their meanings, while the Fan Tab index helps you locate entries quickly. 1472 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 Volumes
Edited by G. Kittel, translated by G.W. Bromiley / Eerdmans Publishing Co.TDNT is an authorized and unabridged translation ofTheologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament. This work was first published in the German edition in 1933. It is designed for the use of intermediate and advanced Greek student. Each significant Greek word of the New Testament is generally presented in its secular Greek background; its role in the Old Testament (both in the Hebrew and the Septuagint); its use by Philo, Josephus, the rabbinical literature; its uses in the New Testament, which are sometimes classified according to synoptic, Johannine, Petrine and Pauline usage; and sometimes the Apostolic Fathers are included as well.More than 100 scholars contributed to the work, including specialists in Old Testament, Septuagint, Hellenistic, Semitic and Rabbinic studies. Substantial bibliographies and extensive footnotes supplement the articles. Volume 10 is an index volume to the entire series, compiled by Ronald Pitkin.Note to our International Customers: Due to the weight of the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 Volumes, an additional $50.00 shipping charge will be added to an International order for each occurrence of the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 Volumes in your bookbag. These additional charges will be automatically added to the Order Summary Page.
This is the standard tool for in-depth understanding of the terms and concepts contained within the New Testament. I have used this resource constantly and have never been disappointed. Articles on some of the major terms (like “God,” “Christ,” “faith,” “love,” etc.) can run as long as 50 pages or more. Everything is listed according to the Greek word involved, and TDNT regularly includes an extensive discussion of the corresponding Hebrew word or words. The index makes it much easier for someone who doesn’t know the original languages to use this rich resource, because you can look up the English word to find the corresponding Greek ones. It also features a scripture index, indicating the major discussions by placing pages numbers in bold. Sell your TV and buy this if you want to “go deeper.” —Steve
Bible backgroundOld Testament Times: A Social, Political, and Cultural Context
By R.K. Harrison / BakerThis book is a full color edition of the classic bestseller. Biblical scholar R. K. Harrison explores and explains the characters and events of the Old Testament, revealing the social, political, economic and cultural forces at work when the Bible was written. Seventy full-color photographs, thirty-two maps, eight charts, and five illustrations will illuminate the people, places, and events of the time and will help you visualize the ancient world.R. K. Harrison is a respected, conservative O.T. scholar. In other works of his I have come across, I have been very impressed with his scholarship and critical judgment. This one should be really worthwhile. —Steve
The New Manners & Customs of Bible Times, Revised and redesigned
By Ralph Gower / Moody PublishersA classic resource on biblical cultures—now even better! This updated edition features a reader-friendly format with colorful photography and artwork; detailed maps, diagrams, and charts; Bible review sections at the end of each chapter; Scripture and topic indexes; and even helpful tips for visits to the Holy Land. 400 pages, hardcover from Moody.
The New Manners & Customs of the Bible
By James M. Freeman / Bridge-logos PublishingEasier—and more fun!—than taking a course on Hebrew civilization, this newly revised classic guide to customs and culture is an ideal way to understand the background of the Bible. Hundreds of Scripture passages from Genesis to Revelation are explained. Extensive cross-references, photos, illustrations, and an upgraded index make this reference truly indispensable. 577 pages, soft cover from Bridge.
Atlases and charts
Abingdon Bible Land Map Set with Tripod
By Abingdon PressCompletely revised, this set of eight 26″ x 40″ easy-to-read maps is printed in color on waterproof film that resists chemicals, tearing, and variations in temperature. Includes Ancient Near East, Exodus, settlement of Canaan, prophets and exile, Paul’s journeys, Palestine in the time of Jesus, united monarchy, and OT/NT Jerusalem comparison. Each representation features a site grid. Tripod extends to 7.5 feet.As the photo demonstrates, this is not a book, but a set of hanging maps on a stand, suitable for use with a small class (up to 30 people). —Steve
Bible Atlas
Atlas of the Bible
By EisenbraunsThe best handy Bible Atlas ever. Includes 17 large maps, 13 insert maps, chronological table and complete index of place names.
The Carta Concise Bible Atlas
By EisenbraunsThis concise and easy to follow atlas shows 33 maps and city plans about places and frontiers and distances at every period of Bible history. Commerce of the ancient Near East, wanderings of ancient peoples and the major travel routes and the rise of Christianity are all shown in this atlas. It features a time chart from 2300 B.C. to A.D. 160, illustrations based on archaeological finds, and an 8-page index for easy reference. A great resource for any library.
Carta’s Compact Bible Atlas / 2000 Jubilee Edition
By F.F. Bruce / EisenbraunsTo have a proper understanding of the Bible, we must know its historical and geographical background. This atlas is designed as an aid to biblical study and features over 30 full-color maps and a chronological table in full color also. The maps are arranged in historical sequence, and the historical notes, written by F. F. Bruce, are intended to correlate the Bible story to its historical background.
Holman Bible Atlas
By Thomas Brisco / Broadman / HolmanExplore the world of the Bible through this visual feast and increase your knowledge of God’s Word! This atlas features hundreds of color photos and maps that show you the land, sites, and archaeology of the entire biblical world. You’ll learn about every time period from the Patriarchs to A.D. 300, and every international power from Egypt to Rome. 256 pages, hardcover.
The Illustrated Bible Atlas
By F.F. Bruce / EisenbraunsThis concise and colorful atlas is packed with information on the lands and cities where the events of the Bible took place. This atlas provides the historical and geographical setting necessary to understand the Bible better.
The International Bible Atlas
By EisenbraunsSpecially prepared for The Liturgical Press for inclusion in The International Bible Commentary: A Catholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-first Century, this handy atlas provides the authoritative background to the Bible story in sixteen clear and easy-to-read maps.
Kregel Bible Atlas
By Tim Dowley / Kregel PublicationsThroughout history, God’s interaction with man has centered around specific geographical areas. Here’s your ticket to explore those places—and the events that unfolded there! Featuring over 100 color maps, plus photos of biblical places and archaeological sites, this concise resource is ideal for anyone seeking to understand Scripture in its physical, cultural, political, and historical context. 96 pages, hardcover.
The Student Bible Atlas
By Tim Dowley / Augsburg / Fortress. This richly illustrated and informative guidebook gives students an introduction to the books of the Bible and shows what it was like to live during biblical times. It includes full-color charts, maps, photos, and illustrations throughout, a who’s who of key people from the Old and New Testament, and special sections on farming, home life, work life, and religious activities.
The Atlas of World Archaeology
By Paul G. Bahn / Facts On File. A timely celebration of a century or more of arduous archaeological endeavor. It presents, in a most accessible way, a finely balanced summary of what we know and at the same time introduces us to the sense of anticipation for the new discoveries that are surely soon to be made.
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt
By Bill Manley / Penguin Putnam Inc.From its humble origins as a cluster of rival chiefdoms along the banks of the Nile, ancient Egypt rose to become one of the most advanced civilizations of its time. This atlas traces its turbulent history and remarkable cultural development, from the founding of Memphis around 5000BC, through the territorial expansion and flourishing trade of the ‘ age of empire ‘, rivalries are charted through the successive dynasties, from the strife of the intermediate periods to the golden ages of prosperity and artistic glory under Akhenaten, Tutankhamen and Ramasses II. The latest archaeological evidence is used to cast new light on the vast architectural legacy of the world’s first great nation state.
Atlas of Ancient Greece
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece
By Robert Morkot / Penguin Putnam Inc.
The cradle of western civilization, Ancient Greece was a land of contradictions and conflict. Intensely quarrelsome and competitive, the Greek city-states consistently proved unwilling and unable to unite. Yet, in spite of or even because of this internal discord, no ancient civilization proved so dynamic or productive. The Greeks not only colonized the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas but set standards of figurative art which endured for nearly 2500 years. Charting topics as diverse as Minoan civilization, The Persian Wars, the Athenian Golden Age and the conquests of Alexander the Great, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece traces the development of this creative and restless people and assesses their impact not only on the ancient world but also on our own attitudes and environment.
Atlas of Jerusalem
The Atlas of Biblical Jerusalem
By Dan Bahat / EisenbraunsFrom the First Temple period through to the time of Jesus, this Atlas graphically illustrates the colorful history of the city through maps, drawings and photographs.
Carta’s Historical Atlas of Jerusalem
By Dan Bahat / EisenbraunsThis unique atlas presents the results of all the latest excavations and research. Presented in a highly visual manner, by means of maps and diagrams, floorplans and photographs, the historical and architectural development of the Holy City unfolds before the reader. Twelve full-page maps of Jerusalem, one for each chapter, the growth of the city through the ages. Each period in the 4,000 years of Jerusalem’s history is dealt with instructively and at length.I have used this brief atlas again and again with great satisfaction. Not only does it illustrate the geography of the Holy City, but provide useful diagrams of major archaeological finds as well. —Steve
A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People: From the Time of the Patriarchs to the Present
By Edited by Eli Barnavi / Random House, IncA panoramic journey through 3,000 years of Jewish experience! From the patriarchs to the present day, A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People depicts the extraordinary saga of Abraham’s descendants. A kaleidoscopic reference edited by Eli Barnavi, it features hundreds of detailed maps, photographs, and drawings—plus newly revised chronologies and commentaries by leading experts—brilliantly illuminating the Exodus, Diaspora, and the struggles of modern Israel. 321 pages, hardcover, Schocken Books.
Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome
By Angus Konstam / Facts On File. This book traces the historical, cultural, and political development of the Roman state from its archaic beginnings, through the age of monarchy and republic to its imperial grandeur, and eventual collapse. This atlas gives insight into the unique qualities of Roman government that allowed a small city-state on the banks of the Tiber to become the ancient western world’s greatest empire. It covers all aspects of ancient Roman history and culture, with an engaging text, specially created maps, and full-color photographs and illustrations.
Atlas Biblico en español
Atlas Biblico Portavoz
By Tim Dowley / Kregel PublicationsThe Bible is full of famous journeys. However, it is difficult to conceive of these epic travels from the text alone. Thus, this biblical atlas is an invaluable tool. Its clear and colorful maps offer an easily accessible look at an often-forgotten aspect of biblical narration. Also includes a geographic index.
La Biblia esta llena de viajes famosos. Sin embargo, es dificil imaginar estes viajes solamente leyendo el texto. Pues, este atlas biblico es invaluable para el lector. Los mapas claros y llenos de colorido ofrecen un transfondo facilmente accesible de la narracion biblica.
Atlas Biblico Conciso Holman / Concise Holman Bible Atlas – Spanish
By Broadman / HolmanThe Concise Holman Bible Atlas will enrich both personal and group Bible study as well as preparation for teaching and preaching the Bible. Students form secondary school through seminary will want to keep the Concise Holman Atlas close at hand for courses on the Old and New Testaments. In addition to the thirty-six maps, The Concise Holman Bible Atlas contains a comprehensive index that will enable you to locate a particular site on every map it occurs.El Atlas Biblico Conciso Holman presenta 36 mapas que ayudaran al lector en el conocimiento del escenario geografico de la Biblia. Como Palabra escrita por Dios, la Biblia es relevante para gente de todos los tiempos y culturas. Sin embargo, los eventos biblicos ocurrieron en tiempos diferentes de los nuestros, y es necesario familiarizarse con esos contextos.