Modern Turkey hosts dozens on archaeological sites connected to the New Testament (e.g., Syrian Antioch and the Seven Cities of Asia) as well as a couple (Haran and Ararat) tied to the Old Testament. This satellite view locates most of them. I have been working for 20 years to pull satellite images and excavation data for as many sites as possible. Your feedback can be helpful. Here is an alphabetical arrangement of close-up images and information.
Adramyttium – Ongoing excavation | newly discovered 8th C. church
Alexandria Troas
Antioch of Pisidia
Antioch of Syria (Antakya-Hatay, Turkey) – Plan of Roman Antioch | Plan of Hellenistic Antioch | Satellite view of Antakya-Hatay
Ararat, Mount
Assos – Satellite image | Close-up | Acropolis
Colossae – Satellite view of unexcavated site
Derbe – view of unexcavated site | 2013 excavation
Ephesus – Satellite image of central district | Plan of Ancient Ephesus and the Temple of Artemis | The shifting shoreline of Ephesus
Hierapolis – Satellite view | No labels | Hierapolis theater | Theater plan
Laodicea – Satellite view | No labels
Myra – overview of site | port (Andriake)
Patara –
Patmos – satellite view
Perga –
Pergamum (modern Bergama) – Overview | Acropolis | Acropolis plan | Acropolis model | Hellenistic theater plan | Lower city | Lower city plan |Aesklepion | Aesklepion plan | Photo of Altar of Zeus (in Berlin, Germany) | Photo of Athena Propylon (in Berlin, Germany)
Philadelphia (modern Alasehir) –
Rhodes –
Sardis (modern Sartmahmut) – Overview | Synagogue/Gymnasium Complex | Plan of Synagogue/Gymnasium Complex
Seleucia – satellite view
Smyrna – Vicinity of Smyrna | Site of original city | Artist’s conception of original Smyrna | Graeco-Roman city | Acropolis | Agora | Site of stadium | Site of theater | Theater plan |
Tarsus – Satellite view | Tarsus vicinity | “Cleopatra” arch | Ancient road | Roman road | “Tomb of Daniel” and ancient bridge | Roman baths | Temple of Jupiter (Donuk Tash) | Hittite excavation (Gözküle)
Thyatira (modern Akhisar) – Overview | Close-up of Tepemezari excavation