Eastern Mediterranean Lands of the Bible

  1. Overview map of the eastern Mediterranean
    1. Overview of Cyprus
    2. Salamis plan
    3. Paphos
  3. EGYPT
    1. Egypt  –  Detailed map  |  Egyptology Online
    2. Sinai – Sinai Peninsula | Mount Sinai Area | Monastery of St. Catherine
    3. Alexandria
    4. Giza  (pyramids)
    1. Ancient Israel (overview)
    2. OT Israel/NT Galilee & Samaria
    3. Beth Shean/Scythopolis | Drone view of Beth Shean
    4. Hazor – Lower City | Upper City | drone view of tel | drone view of gate
    5. Shechem
    6. OT Judah/NT Judea
    7. Jerusalem – Article: “The archaeology of Jerusalem” by Erin Darby | Time of David & Solomon, about 1000 BCE | Time of Hezekiah, about 700 BCE – 70 CE | Time of Second Temple, 538 BCE – 70 CE | Time of Jesus, 1 – 30 CE | Aelia Capitolina, 135 – 330 CE | Old City of Today | Drone view
    8. Lachish – drone view
    9. Masada
    10. Megiddo – video tour | drone view
    11. Mizpah – Vicinity of Mizpah (Tell en-Nasbeh) | Mizpah site without labels (Tell en-Nasbeh) | Mizpah city plan (Tell en-Nasbeh) | Mizpah – Alternate site (Nebi Samwil)
    12. Modern Palestine
    1. Overview of Jordan
    2. Jerash (Hellenistic Gerasa) –  Satellite image  |  Detailed map of site
    3. Petra (central area only)
  6. LEBANON (Ancient Phoenicia)
    1. Overview of Lebanon
    2. Baalbek  |  Layout of Temples  |  Plan of Temple of Bacchus
    3. Byblos
    4. Sidon
    5. Tyre
  7. SYRIA
    1. Overview of Syria
    2. Aleppo
    3. Damascus
    4. Dura-Europos
    5. Ebla (Tell Mardikh)
    6. Palmyra (OT Tadmor)
    7. Ugarit –  Vicinity of Ras Shamra (Ugarit)  |  Ras Shamra (Ugarit)
    1. Paul’s Missionary Journeys – Index MapFirst Journey | Second | Third | Voyage to Rome    [TOP]
    2. Individual Cities
      1. Antioch of Pisidia –  Satellite Image  |  Pisidian Antioch City Plan
      2. Antioch of Syria (Antakya-Hatay, Turkey) –  Plan of Roman Antioch  |  Plan of Hellenistic Antioch  |  Satellite view of Antakya-Hatay
      3. Assos –  Overview  |  Closeup  |  Acropolis
      4. Attalia (modern Antalya) –  Overview of Antalya  |  Close-up of ancient city
      5. Derbe
      6. Haran (modern Harran)
      7. Lystra
      8. Miletus –  Overview  |  Close-up  |  Plan of theater
      9. Myra –  Overview  |  Acropolis  |  Theater & cliff tombs  |  Church of St. Nicholas  |  Port (Andriake)
      10. Patara –  Overview  |  Patara with ancient coastline  |  Plan of theater
      11. Perga
      12. Seleucia
      13. Tarsus –  Overview  |  TOP]