General works

  1. A History of the Christian Church by George P. Fisher (1916, abbreviated below as FHCC)
  2. Philip Schaff. History of the Christian Church (1886, abbreviated as SHCC) – Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4 | Vol. 5 | Vol. 6 | Vol. 7 | Vol. 8
  3. The Ancient Catholic Church (A.D. 98 to 451) by Robert Rainey (1902, abbreviated below as RACC)
  4. The Creeds of Christendom by Philip Schaff (3 vols., 1877)
  5. Early Christian Fathers edited by Cyril Richardson, et al. (1953)

Want to go deeper?

The following are useful resources to purchase when pursuing your study of church history: