Background of the Old Testament
- Extra-biblical texts relating to the Old Testament
- Mesopotamian texts

- The Monuments and the Old Testament by Ira M. Price (1900)
- The Cuneiform Inscriptions & the Old Testament (indexed by OT book)
- Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)
- Alalakh – History of site | Excavation and bibliography
- Gilgamesh – photo | Eng. transl.
- Hammurapi Stele (Code of Hammurabi, c. 1790 BCE) – photo | Eng. transl.
- Israelite seal to Pedaiah – photo & transl.
- Merneptah stela
- Nuzi tablets– Nuzi exhibit at Semitic Museum of Harvard University | Index of texts
- Epic of Ishtar and Izdubar
- Annals of Assur-Nasir-Pal
- Clay cylinder of Nabopolassar (photo and commentary)
- Babylonian Chronicles (photo, Eng. transl. of excerpts, and commentary)
- Nabonidus stele (photo and commentary)
- Cyrus cylinder (photo, Eng. transl. and commentary)
- Monolith of Shalmaneser II (1031-1019 BCE, Eng. transl.) (Eng. transl.)
- Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BCE) (photo, Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Third campaign of Sennacherib (701 BCE, Eng. transl. of the Taylor Cylinder) (Eng. transl.)
- Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II (Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Inscription of Tiglath Pileser I (Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Sculptures & Inscription of Darius the Great on rock of Behistun (Persia) [TOP]
- Herodotus — The Histories (covering roughly 700–475 BCE) | Greek text (you will have to configure the display) | English text (scholarly version, with commentaries & notes) | English text only (George Rawlinson translation)
- Xenophon — Anabasis (covering 379–371 BCE) | Greek text (you will have to configure the display) | English text only
- Periods of Old Testament History
- Pre-flood (Gen. 1-5)
- Post-flood (Gen. 6-11)
- Patriarchs (Gen. 12-46)
- Egyptian bondage (Gen. 46-Exod. 13)
- Wilderness wanderings (Exod. 14 – Josh. 3)
- Conquest of Canaan (Josh. 4-24)
- Judges (Judg. 1 – 1 Sam. 9)
- United kingdom (1 Sam. 10 – 1 Kings 11; 1 Chron. 1 – 2 Chron. 9)
- Divided kingdom (1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 17; 2 Chron. 10 – 31)
- Judah alone (2 Kings 18 – 25; 2 Chron. 32 – 36)
- Babylonian exile (Jer. 39 – 52)
- Post-exile (Ezra, Neh., Esther)
- After close of OT [TOP]
- Archaeological periods
- Neolithic (8000-4300 BCE)
- N-Pre-pottery (8000-6000 BCE)
- N-Pottery (6000-4300 BCE)
- Chalcolithic (4300-3300 BCE)
- Early Bronze (3300-2100 BCE)>/li>
- EB-I (3300-2900 BCE)
- EB-II (2900-2600 BCE)
- EB-III (2600-2300 BCE)
- EB-IV (2300-2100 BCE) [TOP]
- Middle Bronze (2100-1550 BCE)
- MB-I (2100-1900 BCE)
- MB-IIA (1900-1700 BCE)
- MB-IIB (1700-1600 BCE)
- MB-IIC (1600-1550 BCE)
- Late Bronze (1550-1200 BCE)
- LB-I (1550-1400 BCE)
- LB-IIA (1400-1300 BCE)
- LB-IIB (1300-1200 BCE)
- Iron I (1200-918 BCE)
- I-IA (1200-1150 BCE)
- I-IB (1150-1000 BCE)
- I-IC (1000-918 BCE)
- Iron II (918-586 BCE)
- I-IIA (918-800 BCE)
- I-IIB (800-586 BCE)
- Iron III (586-332 BCE) [TOP]
- Old Testament archaeological sites
- Maps of archaeological sites relating to the Old Testament
- Historical Geography of the Holy Land by George A. Smith (1915)
- OT Archaeology
- General sites
- Acco (Ptolemais of Roman times)
- Achzib
- Ai – Et-Tell – photo gallery & links | Khirbet el-Maqatir (photo gallery) | “Locating Biblical Ai Correctly” by David Livingstone
- Aijalon
- Aphek (NT Antipatris)
- Arad | photo gallery & links | More photos | History, archaeology, photos
- Aroer
- Ashdod (NT Azotus) – History | Archaeology
- Ashkelon – Archaeology | Photo gallery & links | Tour of site
- Azekah
- Babylon – Excavations | artist’s conception of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon | Images, maps, architecture, etc.
- Beer-sheba | photo gallery & links
- Bethel
- Bethlehem (see NT arch.)
- Beth-shean (NT Scythopolis) | Excavations nearby
- Beth-shemesh (Khirbet Rumeila) | photo gallery & links
- Beth-zur
- Chinnereth
- Damascus | Photos | Tour of City and vicinity
- Dan – history | photo gallery & links
- Debir (Tel Rabud)
- Dor
- Dothan
- Dura-Europus synagogue
- Ebla (Tel Mardikh) – Intro. | Urban Landscape of Old Syrian Ebla (PDF, 21 pp)
- Eilat
- Ekron
- el-Farah
- Ein-gedi | Illustrated history | Excavation Report
- Gath (Tel es-Safi) – Intro. to Gath excavation | Gath Excavation Blog | “Goliath” inscription
- Gaza – Excavation of Byzantine monastery
- Gezer – Gezer calendar | Current excavation | photo gallery & links | Report on Macalister’s excavation – Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3
- Gibeah (of Saul) (Tell el-Ful)
- Gibeon (el-Jib) – Photo gallery
- Gilgal | History
- Hammath (Ammathus)
- Haran (Later called Carrhae and now Harran, Turkey) – Bible Atlas from Space | Photo tour | Harran Stelae | “The Aramaeans of Haran” by E. G. H. Kraeling (from his Columbia Ph.D. diss., 1917)
- Hazor – Intro. | Excavation | photo gallery & links | Water system
- Hebron – Photo gallery (see Machpelah, Cave of)
- Heshbon (Hesban) – Andrews University excavations
- Iskander
- Jericho | photo gallery and links to other Jericho sites | Municipality of Jericho
- Jerusalem (see NT arch.)
- City of David (Flash tour)
- Jerusalem: Topography, Economics, and History from the Earliest Times to A.D. 70 by George Adam Smith (1909) **Caution: 23.68 Mb**
- City of David (area G)
- Warren’s Shaft
- Hezekiah’s tunnel | Siloam inscription [TOP]
- Joppa
- Kadesh-barnea
- Kadesh
- Kedesh – The site | The excavation
- Kiriath-jearim
- Lachish | Lachish artifacts in British Museum | history of Lachish
- Lod (NT Lydda)
- Machpelah, Cave of
- Mahanaim
- Mampsis
- Mamre
- Mareshah
- Masada (“The Stronghold”) | photo gallery & links
- Medeba
- Megiddo | photo gallery and links | Megiddo Battle of Thutmosis III | Megiddo Expedition | Battles of Armageddon
- Mezad Hashavyahu
- Michmash
- Migdal
- Mizpah
- Nebo (Jebel Musa) – Photos | Excavation & more photos
- Nineveh – Discoveries at Nineveh by Austen Henry Layard | Another Nineveh site
- Persepolis
- Qasila – Archaeology of Qasila
- Qumran – The site | Intro. to Dead Sea Scrolls | A day at Qumran
- Rabbath-ammon (Philadelphia, modern Amman, Jordan) – History | Citadel inscription
- Rabbah (NT Philadelphia of the Decapolis, modern Amman, capital of Jordan)
- Ramah
- Rekem (see Petra of Hellenistic and Roman period)
- Rosh ha-Niqra
- Samaria (NT Sebaste) – Plan of Harvard excavation (1908-1910) | Harvard excavation, vol. 1 – text | Vol. 2 – plans and plates | Wikipedia article: “Samaria (ancient city)”
- Sharuhan (K. el-Ajjul)
- Shechem – Archaeology and history | photo gallery & links
- Shiloh – Archaeology | photo gallery and links
- esh-Shuna (Tell Asmar)
- Sidon
- Succoth
- Susa – Site and finds
- Timnah (Waddi Menelya)
- Tirzah (Aenon)
- Tyre
- Ugarit – Ugarit and Old Testament | Ras Shamra Project
- Ur – Intro. and treasures | Photos of artifacts
- Ziklag (T. esh-Sharia)
- Zippori (T. et-Tuyur, Sepphoris of Roman times) [TOP]
- Graphic Outlines of Old Testament Books
- Top 100 Old Testament people
- Online commentaries on the Old Testament
- Books of Moses Genesis – Deuteronomy
- Books of History Joshua – Esther
- Books of Poetry Job – Song of Solomon
- Major Prophets Isaiah – Daniel
- Minor Prophets Hosea – Malachi