Extra-biblical texts (OT)

- Alalakh – History of site | Excavation and bibliography
- Gilgamesh – photo | Eng. transl.
- Hammurapi Stele (Code of Hammurabi, c. 1790 BCE) – photo | Eng. transl.
- Israelite seal to Pedaiah – photo & transl.
- Merneptah stela
- Nuzi tablets– Nuzi exhibit at Semitic Museum of Harvard University | Index of texts
- Epic of Ishtar and Izdubar
- Annals of Assur-Nasir-Pal
- Clay cylinder of Nabopolassar (photo and commentary)
- Babylonian Chronicles (photo, Eng. transl. of excerpts, and commentary)
- Nabonidus stele (photo and commentary)
- Cyrus cylinder (photo, Eng. transl. and commentary)
- Monolith of Shalmaneser II (1031-1019 BCE, Eng. transl.) | (Eng. transl.)
- Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BCE) (photo, Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Third campaign of Sennacherib (701 BCE, Eng. transl. of the Taylor Cylinder)(Eng. transl.)
- Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II (Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Inscription of Tiglath Pileser I (Eng. transl., and commentary)
- Sculptures & Inscription of Darius the Great on rock of Behistun (Persia) [TOP]
- Herodotus — The Histories (covering roughly 700–475 BCE) | Greek text (you will have to configure the display) | English text (scholarly version, with commentaries & notes) | English text only (George Rawlinson translation)
- Xenophon — Anabasis (covering 379–371 BCE) | Greek text (you will have to configure the display) | English text only
Want to dive deeper?
Online resources
- Eberhard Schrader. The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament (1885, indexed by OT book).
- James Alexander Craig. Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts (2 vols, 1895)
- Ira Price. The Monuments and the Old Testament (1900)
- Archival Texts of the Assyrian Empire (ATAE)
- Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)
- Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives (ETANA)
- Gateways to Babylon
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