The Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Philo Judaeus, Dead Sea Scrolls, Targum, Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah – Jewish literature is quite diverse and ranges over an extended period. I have tried to pull together what is available on the web in English translation. If you can read Hebrew or Greek, much more is available than you will find here.
What are these writings? (disclaimer)
- Resources for study:
- Intro. to Apocrypha
- Best text: New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha – NRSV (augmented 3rd edition)
- Commentary: E. C. Bissell (1914)
- Psalmx151 – Intro. | Eng. transl.
| Greek text | discussion of DSS Heb. text
- Wisdom of Solomon – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Susanna – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- 1 Maccabees – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text | Commentary
- 2 Maccabees – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- 3 Maccabees – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- 4 Maccabees – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Sirach (also known as Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus) – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Baruch – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Tobit – Intro. | Tobit | Greek text
- Bel and the Dragon (also known as Daniel 14) – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Prayer of Azariah – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Epistle of Jeremiah (sometimes included as Baruch, chapter 6) – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Prayer of Manasseh – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- 4 Ezra (also known as 2 Esdras) – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Judith – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- Additions to the Book of Esther – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text
- 1 Esdras (also known as 3 Esdras) – Intro. | Eng. transl. | Greek text