Philo Judaeus
The Writings of Philo Judaeus (Philo of Alexandria) in English (c. 20 BCE – 50-55 CE)
Translation by C. D. Yonge (1855, 1890, 1894)

- Preface [Yonge, I:iii-vi]
- Allegorical Commentary on Genesis
- Allegorical Interpretation (Allegories of the Sacred Laws) (Legum Allegoriae, Gen. 2:4 – 3:19) [Yonge, 1:52-175]
- On the Cherubim, etc.
- Book I (De Cherubim – I, Gen. 3:24) [Yonge, 1:175-185]
- Book II (De Cherubim – II, Gen. 4:1) [Yonge, 1:185-207]
- The Sacrifices of Abel & Cain (De Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini, Gen. 4:2-4) [Yonge, 1:207-241]
- The Worse Attacks the Better (Quod Deterius Potiori insidiari soleat, Gen. 4:8) [Yonge, 1:241-286]
- The Posterity of Cain (De Posteritate Caini, Gen. 4:16-25) [Yonge, 1:286-330]
- The Giants (De gigantibus, Gen. 6:1-4) [Yonge, 1:330-342]
- The Unchangeableness of God (Quod Deus Immutabilis sit, Gen. 6:2-12) [Yonge, 1:343-378]
- Husbandry (Tilling of the Earth by Noah) (De Agricultura, Gen. 9:20) [Yonge, 1:378-415]
- Noah’s Work as a Planter (De Plantatione, Gen. 9:20) [Yonge, 1:416-452]
- Drunkenness (De Ebrietate, Gen. 9:21) [Yonge, 1:453-500]
- Sobriety (De Sobrietate, Gen. 9:24-27) [Yonge, 1:500-515]
- Confusion of the Languages (De Confusione Linguarum, Gen. 9:1-9) [Yonge, 2:1-43]
- The Migration of Abraham (De Migratione Abrahami, Gen. 12:1-6) [Yonge, 2:43-94]
- Who is the Heir of Divine Things? (Quis Rerum Divinarum Heres sit, Gen. 15:2-18) [Yonge, 2:94-157]
- Preliminary Studies (Meeting for the Sake of Seeking Instruction) (De Congressu Eruditionis Gratia, Gen. 16:1-6) [Yonge, 2:157-194]
- Flight & Finding (Fugitives) (De Fuga et Inventione, Gen. 16:6-14) [Yonge, 2:194-237]
- Why Certain Names are Changed (De Mutatione Nominum, Gen. 17:1-22) [Yonge, 2:238-292]
- Dreams (Doctrine that Dreams are Sent by God)
- Book I (De Somniis – I, Gen. 28:12ff; 31:11ff) [Yonge, 2:292-344]
- Book II (De Somniis – II, Gen. 37:40ff) [Yonge, 2:344-396]
- Genesis: Questions & Solutions (Quaestiones et solutiones in Genesis)
- Book I (Gen. 2:4 – 6:13) [Yonge, 4:284-340]
- Book II (Gen. 6:14 – 10:8) [Yonge, 4:340-406]
- Book III (Gen. 15:7 – 17:27) [Yonge, 4:406-463]
- On the Law
- Creation of the World (De Opificio Mundi) [Yonge, 1:1-52]
- Abraham: Life of a Wise Man Made Perfect by Instruction (De Abrahamo) [Yonge, 2:396-452]
- Joseph: Life of a Man Occupied with Affairs of State (De Iosepho) [Yonge, 2:453-508]
- Life of Moses
- Book I (De Vita Mosis – I [Yonge, 3:1-74]
- Book II (De Vita Mosis – II) [Yonge, 3:74-88]
- Book III (De Vita Mosis – III) [Yonge, 3:88-136]
- The Decalogue (De Decalogo) [Yonge, 3:136-175]
- The Special Laws (Specialibus Legibus)
- Book I
- Circumcision (De Circumcisione) [Yonge, 3:175-177]
- Sovereignty (De Monarchia) [Yonge, 3:177-204]
- The Rewards of Priests (De Sacerdotum Honoribus) [Yonge, 3:204-211]
- Animals Fit for Sacrifice (De Victimis) [Yonge, 3:211-229]
- Those Who Offer Sacrifice [Yonge, 3:229-248]
- Wages of Harlot not Received as Offering [Yonge, 3:249-255]
- Book II
- Commandments 3: Oaths, & 4: Sabbath [Yonge, 3:255-265]
- The Ten Festivals (De Septenario) [Yonge, 3:265-291]
- The Festival of the Basket of First-fruits (De Cophini Festo) [Yonge, 3:291-293]
- Commandment 5: Honour to Parents (De Colendis Parentibus) [Yonge, 3:293-303]
- Book III
- Commandment 6: Adultery [Yonge, 3:303-324]
- Commandment 7: Murder [Yonge, 3:324-354]
- Book IV
- Commandments 8: Theft, 9: Bearing False Witness, & 10: Coveting [Yonge, 3:355-388]
- Justice (De Justitia) [Yonge, 3:388-392]
- Creation of Magistrates (De Constitutione Principum) [Yonge, 3:392-412]
- Apologetic Writings
- The Contemplative Life (De Vita Contemplativa) [Yonge, 4:1-20]
- Against Flaccus (In Flaccum) [Yonge, 4:61-99]
- Hypothetica: Defense for the Jews (Apologia pro Iudaeis) [Yonge, 4:219-222]
- Other works
- The Virtues (Courage, Humanity, & Repentance) (De Virtutibus) [Yonge, 3:412-456]
- Nobility [Yonge, 3:496-506]
- Rewards & Punishments (De Præmiis et Pœnis) [Yonge, 3:456-484]
- Curses (De Execratione) [Yonge, 3:485-496]
- Every Virtuous Man is Free (Quod Omnis Probus Liber) [Yonge, 3:506-540]
- The Eternity of the World (De Aeternitate Mundi) [Yonge, 4:21-61]
- Providence (De Providentia) [Yonge, 4:210-219, 222-242]
- Embassy to Gaius (De Legatione ad Caium) [Yonge, 4:99-180]
- Fragments from Various Sources [Yonge, 4:210-283]
- Works not found in Yonge’s translation
- Animals (De Animalibus) – available in transl. by Abraham Terian (Scholars Press, 1981)
- Questions and Solutions: Exodus (Quaestiones et Solutiones in Exodum) – available in transl. by Ralph Marcus (Loeb, Suppl. II, 1970)