Love God with all my mind
Bible Study & Apologetics
- Bible Study
- Interpretation principles for Bible study
- The Typology of Scripture by Patrick Fairbairn (1854)
- Figures of Speech in the Bible by E. W. Bullinger (1855)
- Hermeneutical Manual: Intro. to Exegetical Study of NT by Patrick Fairbairn (1859)
- On the Interpretation of Scripture by Benjamin J. Jowett (1860)
- History of Interpretation by Frederic W. Farrar (1886)
- Milton S. Terry – Biblical Hermeneutics: A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments (1883, revised 1890) – free PDF download of 1883 edition | 1890 edition for online reading | Purchase reprint of 1890 edition (1999)
- Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways Cults Misread the Bible (1980) by James Sire
- Exegetical Fallacies (2nd ed., 1996) by D. A. Carson
- Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (revised and updated, 2004) by William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr.
- The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (2006) by Grant R. Osborne
- An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics by W. C. Kaiser, Jr., and Moisés Silva (2d ed., 2007)
- Inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible
- John W. Burgon – Inspiration & Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford (1861)
- Benjamin B. Warfield – The Authority & Inspiration of the Scriptures (1889)
- J. W. McGarvey – Grounds on which we receive the Bible as the Word of God and the only rule of faith and practice (1889)
- A. W. Pink – Divine Inspiration of the Bible (1917)
- F. F. Kearley – “Prophecy as Proof of the Inspiration of the Bible: The Witness of the Prophets Concerning Jacob and Esau” (Apologetics Press)
- Introduction to the Bible
- Louis Berkhof – New Testament Introduction (1915)
- Douglas Stuart – Old Testament Exegesis (4th ed., 2009)

- Gordon Fee – New Testament Exegesis (3rd ed., 2002)
- Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart – How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (2003) | en Español
- Introduction to each book of the Bible (from NIV Study Bible)
- Aids to Bible study
- Online Bible commentaries
- Online commentaries by biblical book & chapter
- Online commentaries by commentary author
- Bible dictionaries
- Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, edited by John McClintock and James Strong (12 vols., 1880) – Index for online reading | Index for Scholarly Citation (Google Books scanning).
- Encyclopædia Biblica (1899) – Vol 1: A – D | Vol. 2: E – K | Vol. 3: L – P | Vol. 4: Q – Z
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, edited by James Orr et al. (five vols., 1939) – Index for Online reading
- Apologetics
- Evidential approach to apologetics
- Jonathan Witt.
Greg Bahnsen – Complementary to Presuppositional Approach
- The Intelligent Design Movement
- Jonathan Witt – “Origin of Intelligent Design: A brief history of the scientific theory of intelligent design.”
- Presuppositional approach to apologetics
- Introduction by John Frame – Part 1: Introduction & Creation | Part 2: Fall & Redemption, Summary & Conclusion
- Cornelius Van Til (father of presuppositional apologetics) – Biography | Jump down to his major works
- Readings from apologetics classics
- For a history of apologetics, see Avery Dulles, History of Apologetics
- For an anthology of apologetics readings, see Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics, A.D. 100–1800 by L. Russ Bush
- Ancient period
- Justin Martyr (ca. 100-ca. 167) – First Apology: ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 18 | ch. 19 | ch. 20 | ch. 21 | ch. 22 | ch. 23 | ch. 24 | ch. 25 | ch. 26 | ch. 28 | ch. 30 | ch. 31 | ch. 32 | ch. 33 | ch. 34 | ch. 35 | ch. 36 | ch. 37 | ch. 38 | ch. 39 | ch. 43 | ch. 44 | ch. 46 | ch. 52 | ch. 53 | ch. 54 | ch. 55 [TOP]
- Athenagoras (2nd Century) –
A Plea for Christians
- Irenaeus (120-203) – Against Heresies bk. 2 | bk. 3
- Tertullian (160-230) – The Apology ch. 10 | ch. 17 | ch. 18 | ch. 19 | ch. 20 | ch. 21
- Origen (185-253) – On First Principles (Preface) | Against Celsus – bk. 2, ch. 48 | bk. 2, ch. 49-50 | bk. 2, ch. 51 | bk. 2, ch. 52 | bk. 2, ch. 53 | bk. 2, ch. 54 | bk. 2, ch. 55 | bk. 2, ch. 56 | bk. 2, ch. 57 | bk. 2, ch. 58 | bk. 2, ch. 59 | bk. 2, ch. 60 | bk. 2, ch. 61 | bk. 2, ch. 62 | bk. 2, ch. 63 | bk. 2, ch. 64 | bk. 2, ch. 65 | bk. 2, ch. 66 | bk. 2, ch. 67 | bk. 3, ch. 1 | bk. 3, ch. 2 | bk. 3, ch. 3 | bk. 4, ch. 14 | bk. 24 ch. 15 | bk. 4, ch. 16 | bk. 4, ch. 17 | bk. 4, ch. 18 | bk. 6, ch. 78 | bk. 6, ch. 79 | bk. 7, ch. 53 | bk. 7, ch. 54 | bk. 7, ch. 55 | bk. 7, ch. 56 | bk. 7, ch. 57 | bk. 8, ch. 72 | bk. 8, ch. 76
- Athanasius (298-373) – Against the Heathen pt. 1, ch. 1 | pt. 3, ch. 35 | pt. 3, ch. 38 | pt. 3, ch. 39 | pt. 3, ch. 40 | pt. 3, ch. 45 | pt. 3, ch. 46 | pt. 3, ch. 47 | On the Incarnation of the Word ch. 1-5 | ch. 21-25 | ch. 26 | ch. 30-32 | ch. 33-40 | ch. 41-45 | ch. 46-55 | ch. 56-57 [TOP]
- Augustine of Hippo (354-430) – Concerning the Freedom of the Will (summary only) | Confessions bk. 11, ch. 3-12 | The City of God bk. 1, preface – ch. 2 | bk. 1, ch. 6-11 | bk. 1, ch. 14 | bk. 1, ch. 28-30 | bk. 1, ch. 33-35
- Medieval period
- Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) – Monologium | Proslogium | | In Behalf of the Fool | In Reply to Gaunilon
- Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) – The Summa Contra Gentiles bk. 1, ch. 3-4 | bk. 1, ch. 6-13 | The Summa Theologiae 1st part, Q. 2
| 1st part, Q. 2, articles 1ן
- Modern period
- John Calvin (1509-1564) – Institutes of the Christian Religion | bk. 1, ch. 1 | bk. 1, ch. 2 | bk. 1, ch. 3 | bk. 1, ch. 5 | bk. 1, ch. 6 | bk. 1, ch. 7 | bk. 1, ch. 8
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) – Pensées | Online version
- Joseph Butler (1692-1752) – The Analogy of Religion – online version | The Analogy of Religion
- William Paley (1743-1805) – Natural Theology or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity (12th ed., 1809) | online text | A View of the Evidences of Christianity(1794, reprint: 1851)
- K. H. Sack – Christian Apologetics (1829)
- John W. Burgon (1813-1888) – Inspiration and Interpretation (1861)
- W. H. Hetherington – Apologetics of the Christian Faith (1867)
- Stanley Leathes. The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ: Boyle Lectures for 1868
- James A. Hessey. Moral Difficulties Connected with the Bible – First Series: Boyle Lectures for 1871 | 2nd Series: Boyle Lectures for 1872
- Henry Wace. Christianity and Morality or the Correspondence of the Gospel with the Moral Nature of Man: Boyle Lectures for 1874 and 1875
- G. H. Wright – Logic of Christian Evidence (1884)

- J. H. A. Ebrard – Apologetics, or The Scientific Vindication of Christianity (1886-87) – Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3
- L. F. Stearns – The Evidence of Christian Experience (1891)
- A. B. Bruce – Apologetics, or Christianity Defensively Stated (1892)
- Randolph H. McKim – Christ and Modern Unbelief (1893)
- P. Schanz – A Christian Apology (1894) Vol. 1: God and Nature | Vol. 2: God and Revelation | Vol. 3: The Church
- W. Devivier – Christian Apologetics: A Defense of the Catholic Fatih (1903)
- A. Harnack – What is Christianity? (1902) [TOP]
- F. R. Beattie – Fundamental Apologetics (1903)

- James Orr
- A Christian View of God and the World (8th ed., 190 | online text
- Resurrection of Jesus (1905)
- Problem of the Old Testament (1906)
- J. Gresham Machen
- The Origin of Paul’s Religion (1921)
- Christianity & Liberalism (1923)
- The Virgin Birth of Christ (1930)
- The Fundamentals (1909-1915) – articles by many leading conservative scholars of the day.
- E. Y. Mullins – Why is Christianity True? | The Axioms of Religion (1908) | The Christian Religion in Its Doctrinal Expression (1908)
- Burnett Hillman Streeter (1874–1937) – Reality
- Recent works on apologetics (1940 to Present)
- E. J. Carnell – Introduction to Christian Apologetics | Philosophy of the Christian Religion | Christian Commitment: An Apologetic | Case for Orthodox Theology
- Gordon Clark – Christian View of Men and Things | Karl Barth’s Theological Method | Historiography | The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God | Thales to Dewey | Religion, Reason, and Revelation
- Bernard Ramm – The Pattern of Religious Authority | Protestant Christian Evidences | Special Revelation and the Word of God | The God Who Makes a Difference: A Christian Appeal to Reason | Types of Apologetic Systems | A Christian View of Science and Scripture | Varieties of Christian Apologetics
- Cornelius Van Til – Complete Works on CD
| Christian Apologetics (2nd ed., 2003) | Christian Theistic Evidences | The Defense of the Faith (1967) | The New Evangelicalism | Christianity in Conflict |A Christian Theory of Knowledge
- E. R. Geehan – Jerusalem and Athens: Critical Discussions on the Philosophy and Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til [TOP]
- C. S. Lewis
- Biography
The Screwtape Letters
- The Problem of Pain
- The Great Divorce
- Miracles: a preliminary study
- Mere Christianity
- Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
- The World’s Last night and Other Essays
- A Grief Observed
- Letters to Malcolm: chiefly on prayer
- Christian reflections
- God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics
- Abolition of Man
- Essential Lewis Classics – Of those above, includes a, c, d, e, f, i, and m.
- Austin Farrer – Finite and Infinite
- E. L. Mascall – He Who Is: A Study in Traditional Theism | Christian Theology and Natural Science | The Secularization of Christianity
- Alan Richardson – Christian Apologetics | History: Sacred and Profane
- F. F. Bruce – The Apologetic Defense of the Gospel | New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? —on-line version
- Clark Pinnock – Set Forth Your Case | Reason Enough
- Norman Geisler – Christian Apologetics | Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (1998) ed. by Geisler
- Carl F. H. Henry – God, Revelation, and Authority (6 vols.)

- Francis Schaeffer
- Complete Works (5 vols.)
- Escape from Reason
- The God Who is There
- Death in the City
- He is There and He is not Silent
- The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century
- Pollution and the Death of Man
- True Spirituality
- Genesis in Space and Time
- Back to Freedom and Dignity
- How Should We Then Live?
- A Christian Manifesto [TOP]
Josh McDowell
- More than a Carpenter
- New Evidence That Demands a Verdict
- Beyond Belief to Convictions (with Bob Hostetler)
- Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door (with Bob Hostetler)
- Evidence for Christianity
- A Ready Defense
- John Warwick Montgomery
- The Shape of the Past
- Where is History Going?
- Suicide of Christian Theology
- History and Christianity
- How do we know there is a God?
- Christianity for the Tough-Minded, ed. by JWM
- Faith Founded on Fact: Essays in Evidential Apologetics
- Defending the Gospel Through the Centuries
Henry Morris
- The Genesis Record
- Science & the Bible, Revised ed.
- Many Infallible Proofs
- Scientific Creationism
- Biblical Creationism: What Each Book of the Bible Teaches About Creation & the Flood
- Evolution & the Modern Christian
- The Biblical Basis for Modern Science, Revised ed.
- Defending the Faith: Upholding Biblical Christianity & the Genesis Record
- Miracles: Do They Still Happen?
- The God Who is RealThe Bible Has the Answer with Martin E. Clark
- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990)
- Intro.
- Jesus Rediscovered | online text
- The Humane Holocaust
- Index of writings
- James Oliver Buswell – Christian Apologetics | Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective (with Paul D. Feinberg) | When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties | Inerrancy | When Skeptics Ask (with Ronald Brooks) | The Battle for the Resurrection [TOP]
- Gordon Lewis – Testing Christianity’s Truth Claims: Approaches to Christian Apologetics
- Basil Mitchell – The Justification of Religious Belief | The Philosophy of Religion | How to Play Theological Ping Pong and Other Essays on Faith and Reason | Faith and Criticism: The Barum Lectures | Law, Morality, and Religion in a Secular Society
- R. C. Sproul
- Chosen by God

- Choosing My Religion
- When Worlds Collide: Where is God in Terrorism, War, & Suffering?
- Not a Chance: The Myth of Chance in Modern Science and Cosmology
- Defending Your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics
- Essential Truths of the Christian Faith
- Tearing Down Strongholds and Defending the Truth
- Reason to believe
- Classical apologetics : A Rational Defense of the Christian Faith and a Critique of Presuppositional Apologetics (co-authored with John Gerstner and Arthur Lindsley)
- C. Stephen Evans
- Why Believe? Reason and Mystery as Pointers to God
- New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics
- Richard Mouw –
Distorted Truth: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Battle for the Mind
- John Newport – Life’s Ultimate Questions
- Kelly James Clark
- Return to Reason
- Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers
- Alister McGrath
- Intellectuals Don’t Need God and Other Myths of the Modern World
- The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
- Glimpsing the face of God : the search for meaning in the universe
- Why Does God Allow Suffering?
- The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World
- A Scientific Theology: 1. Nature
- A Scientific Theology: 2. Reality
- A Scientific Theology: 3. Theory
- Science and Religion: An Introduction
- Lee Strobel
- The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity
- The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
- The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
- The Case for Easter: A Journalist Investigates the Evidence for the Resurrection
- Phillip Johnson
- Darwin on Trial
- Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law & Education
- Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
- The Wedge of Truth: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism
- Darwin’s Nemesis: Phillip Johnson & the Intelligent Design Movement
- The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning & Public
Debate (with Nancy Pearcey)
- Nancy Pearcey
- Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity (rev. ed.)
- The Soul of Science: Christian Faith & Natural Philosophy
- How Now Shall We Live? (with Charles Colson)
- The Christian in Today’s Culture (with Charles Colson) [TOP]
- John Clayton – Check out his great website: Does God Exist?
- A Practical Man’s Proof of God
- Help in Understanding What God Is
- Who Created God?
- What Was the Cause of the Beginning?
Why I Left Atheism
- God’s Revelation in His Rocks and in His Word
- The Problem of Human Suffering
- The Whiner’s Guide to Chemotherapy
- The Real Jesus of History
- Checkable Bible Accuracy
- Evidence for Design in the Universe
- Apologetics Bibliography
- How Do I See? (for children)
- Free Online Correspondence Course: Intermediate Evidences
- Catalog
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