Love my neighbor as myself


  1. Evangelism
    1. Biblical resources for evangelism
    2. Evangelistic methods
    3. Evangelism styles
    4. Niche evangelism
    5. Evangelism resources
  2. Ministry
    1. Preaching
    2. Bible training
    3. Small groups
    4. Mentoring and internships
    5. Campus ministries
    6. Geriatric ministries
    7. Ministry to the poor
    8. Hospital ministry
    9. Jail and prison ministry
    10. Deaf ministry
    11. Ministry to military
    12. Other ministries
    13. Parachurch ministries
  3. Missions
    1. Theology of missions
    2. Preparation for missions
    3. Financial support for missions
    4. Missionary challenges
    5. Resources for missionaries
    6. Missionaries and local politics
    7. Clash of religions
      1. Islam
      2. Judaism
      3. Hinduism
      4. Buddhism
      5. Animism
      6. Secular Humanism
      7. Atheism
    8. Parachurch missionary organizations
      1. Missions Resource Network

As you can see, I’m just getting started in this section. I hope to provide the e-mails (encrypted to avoid non-human spamming) of many missionaries from all over the world and eventually hope to include one-on-one video interviews and recorded Google Hangouts among missionaries, discussing timely topics.

I could really use your suggestions. Please leave comments below regarding what you think would be most helpful in this area – helpful for missionaries and their sponsors, as well as those considering short-term and long-term missionary ministries.