16th and 17th centuries

The Reformation: Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries

  1. German Reformation (SHCC, vol. 7)
  2. Swiss Reformation (SHCC, vol. 8)
  3. “From the Beginning of the Reformation to the Peace of Westphalia (1517-1648)” (287ff in FHCC)
  4. “Reformation in Switzerland” (306ff in FHCC)
  5. “Reformation in France and the Netherlands” (330ff in FHCC)
  6. “Reformation in England and Scotland” (346ff in FHCC)
  7. “Reformation in Italy and Spain: The Catholic Counter-reformation” (383ff in FHCC)
  8. “Reformation History Up to Peace of Westphalia” (394ff in FHCC) [TOP]

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