Bible Study Links

  1. Original Sources for the Bible
    1. Old Testament
    2. New Testament
  2. Translations of the Bible
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  3. Bible Atlas from Space
    1. Lands of the Western Mediterranean
    2. Lands of the Central Mediterranean
    3. Lands of the Eastern Mediterranean
    4. Lands of the Ancient Near East
  4. Old Testament background
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    4. Old Testament archaeological sites
    5. Online Old Testament commentaries
  5. Extra-biblical Jewish literature
    1. Second temple period (c. 538 BCE – 70 CE) (OT Pseudepigrapha)
    2. Rabbinic literature (c. 100 BCE – 500 CE)
  6. New Testament background
    1. Inscriptions (Epigraphy)
    2. History
    3. Non-literary writings
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    5. Searchable database of images
    6. New Testament archaeological sites
    7. Online New Testament commentaries
  7. Christian writers of 2nd – 5th centuries CE (“Church Fathers”) and later church leaders
    1. Second Century CE
    2. Third Century CE
    3. Third and Fourth Centuries CE
    4. Fourth and Fifth Centuries CE
    5. Later Significant Church Leaders
    6. Index to Other Church Fathers
    7. Alphabetical Index of Church Fathers and Later Significant Church Leaders
  8. Extra-biblical Christian writings (NT Pseudepigrapha)
    1. Gospels and related writings
    2. Apocryphal “Acts”
    3. Apocryphal epistles & related works
    4. Apocryphal Apocalypses and related writings [TOP]
  9. Church History
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    2. Apostolic Christianity (1st Century CE)
    3. Ante-Nicene Christianity (2nd & 3rd Centuries)
    4. Nicene & Post-Nicene Christianity (4th & 5th Centuries)
    5. Mediaeval Christianity (6th – 11th Centuries)
    6. Early Middle Ages (11th – 13th Centuries)
    7. Late Middle Ages (14th & 15th Centuries)
    8. The Reformation (16th & 17th Centuries)
    9. Modern Christianity (17th & 18th Centuries)
    10. Modern Christianity (19th Century)
    11. Modern Christianity (20th Century)
    12. Post-Modern Christianity (21st Century)