I set up DeeperStudy.com to be a self-supporting, independent ministry that encourages seeking and gaining a deeper understanding of the Bible, not as an end in itself, but as a means to a much greater end: to know God, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. Ultimately, my goal is to help you discover an eternal fellowship with Father and Son through the Spirit – sharing in their eternal life, their infinite love, their life-transforming power, and their urgent mission in our world, in cooperaton with the world-wide community of saved believers.
What will you find at DeeperStudy?
DeeperStudy.com provides online resources for serious Bible study, including:
- The Bible in original languages
- The Bible translated into English and other modern languages
- Online commentaries for every book of the Bible
- Archaeology of Old Testament sites
- Old Testament Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Rabbinic literature
- Archaeology of New Testament sites
- Ancient Historians (including Josephus)
- Philo
- Church Fathers
- New Testament Pseudepigrapha
- Devotional Literature Across the Centuries
- Short, devotional articles
- Apologetics writings
- Bible Atlas from Space
- Church History
- And much, much more
I have taken great care to identify some of the best possible links for each resource, defined in terms of what is objective, thorough, visually-oriented, and (semi)permanent. This is where I hope I can really add value, exercising conservative but critical judgment in your behalf. This will save you untold hours in searching and help you to avoid wasting time on sites that deliver erroneous or incomplete information.
Who am I?

Steve C. Singleton
My name is Steve C. Singleton. I have been a Bible teacher for over 50 years, teaching Bible, Greek, and related subjects in the university classroom, Sunday school youth and adult education programs, public seminars, and Christian camps. My degrees are in biblical studies and religion. My writings include several books and numerous business and devotional articles.
I have retired from business to devote myself to promoting authentic, biblical Christianity. I have a wide variety of interests, including biblical hermeneutics and exegesis, archaeology, church history, apologetics, world religions, evangelism, biomedical ethics, missions, composing Christian songs, and the interaction between Christianity and culture. I and my wife Cindy have three children and nine grandchildren. I love chocolate, movies, and volleyball–oh, and did I mention chocolate?