Love God with all my heart

  1. Devotional articles
    1. Deeper Thinking (Steve Singleton’s short devotional articles)
      1. devotional articleAfraid of the light?
      2. A Jericho diary
      3. A little blessing changes everything
      4. Am I W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.? Are you?
      5. Another look at Worship vs. football
      6. Are we worthy of the name?
      7. Ask youself, “So what?”
      8. Bone-box of the rich and famous
      9. Choose your words carefully
      10. Christian, you are a letter from Christ
      11. Christ’s dependability: Count on it!
      12. Come Together or Scatter? A Neglected Purpose of Communion
      13. DINCs, this is for you
      14. Does “No!” mean “Yes”?
      15. Don’t just assume! Think it through!
      16. Do you feel headed for shipwreck?
      17. Either way, you lose!
      18. Enough warm-ups already!
      19. The firstfruit is our best assurance
      20. Gen. 1 and 2 &#150 The serpent’s version
      21. Grumpy is still grumpy
      22. Guard your heart
      23. How did they do it?
      24. How do you measure spiritual growth?
      25. How do you read the Bible?
      26. I know a homeless person
      27. Imprisoned in Liberty
      28. It is mystery, not myth!
      29. Its beauty will justify the effort
      30. Keep ice off your bow
      31. Lazarus at the Triumphal Entry  [TOP]
      32. Learning to believe
      33. Let’s do what it takes
      34. Let’s stop usurping His roles
      35. Neither white-washed nor unmarked
      36. Nested blessings
      37. Never too busy
      38. No covenants with death
      39. Not so with you
      40. Once again, God gets blamed
      41. Only He could ‘amen’ Himself
      42. Peer pressure favors the bold
      43. Pick it up!
      44. 60-second caring
      45. She should have known – part 1
      46. She should have known – part 2
      47. Silas, Paul’s second fiddle
      48. Silently but eloquently they testify
      49. Song of the Prodigal
      50. Stay off sin’s slippery slope
      51. Such love transforms
      52. Thanks, Father
      53. There’s a second temple
      54. Time to reshape our schedules
      55. Try cricket to learn how a convert feels
      56. 20 ways to say, “I’m sorry”
      57. Two beggars can teach us plenty
      58. The undiluted facts about wine and the New Testament
      59. We are children of the resurrection
      60. We are royals!
      61. We need hunger
      62. We’ve been wrestling for 3,000 years
      63. What about the 4400?
      64. What He says goes
      65. What I learned at the potter’s house
      66. What set off that alarm?
      67. What symbolizes your house?
      68. What would you find on God’s mantle?
      69. When God speaks to you –part 1
      70. When God speaks to you –part 2
      71. When your alarm goes off
      72. Who is really committed to reason?
      73. Why did he become a traitor?
    2. Scripture Songs
      1. The Bay Psalm Book (1640) Intro. | Ps. 1 (hit “Next image” for each additional psalm)
      2. The Scottish Psalter of 1650 – Intro. | Book 1 – Pss. 1 – 41 | Book 2 – Pss. 42 – 72 | Book 3 – Pss. 73 – 89 | Book 4 – Pss. 90 – 106 | Book 5 – Pss. 107 – 150
      3. Romans 8:31–39: “Super-Conquerors”

    3. Devotional authors and their classics
      1. Index of Christian
        classics by author
      2. Ancient period
        1. Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335-395) – Intro | Works
        2. Augustine (d. 430) – Confessions
        3. Benedict of Nursia (480-550) – Intro. | The Holy
      3. Medieval period
        1. Bernard of
          Clairvaux (1090-1153) – Intro | On Loving God
        2. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) – Intro. | Index
          to his writings
        3. Richard Rolle (ca. 1290-1349) – Intro. | The Fire of
          Love and the Mending of Life
        4. Julian of
          (1342-ca. 1416)
        5. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) – Intro. | Dialogue
          of the Seraphic Virgin
        6. Thomas à Kempis (ca. 1379-1471) – Intro. | Imitation
          of Christ
        7. Theologica
        8. Catherine
          of Genoa
          (1447-1510)  [TOP]

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      4. Modern period
        1. Alrecht Durer (1471-1528) – The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
        2. Theresa of Avila (1515-1582) – Intro. | A Life of Prayer: Faith and Passion for God
           | Interior Castle | Way of Perfection | online version
        3. John of the Cross (Juan de Yepes y Alvarez)
          (1542-1591) – Intro. | Works | Collected Works | Dark Night of the Soul
        4. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) | Intro. | Spiritual Exercises | online
        5. Lancelot Andrews (1565-1626) – Intro. | Private Devotions | online
        6. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) – Introduction to a Devout Life | online
           |  Finding God’s Will for You
        7. Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman) (ca.
          1605-1691) – Intro. | The Practice of the Presence of God online
        8. Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667) – The Rule and Exercises
          of Holy Living | online
          – The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying online
           | Holy Living and Dying (combined volumes)
        9. Isaac Penington (1616-1679) – Intro. | The
          Scattered Sheep Sought After
           | Other
        10. George Fox (1624-1691) – Intro. | Journal (Autobiography) | online
        11. John Bunyan (1628-1688) – Intro. | The Pilgrim’s Progress – online
           | The Pilgrim’s Progress in Today’s
           | Christiana: Pilgrim’s Progress, part 2 (audio
           | The Holy War in Modern English | Grace Abounding to the Chief of
           | Journey to Hell | Index to Bunyan’s works
        12. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) – Intro.
           | Pensées |  online
        13. Madame Guyon (Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe)
          (1647-1717) – Autobiography | online
           | Experiencing the Depths of Jesus
           | Experiencing God through Prayer
        14. Francois Fenelon (1651-1715) – 
          Spiritual Progress
           | The Royal Way of the Cross | Let Go | Christian Perfection
        15. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751) – Intro. | Self Abandonment to Divine
           | online
          or The Sacrament of the Present
        16. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) – Intro. | Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: A Reader | online
           | Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
           | The Nature of True Virtue | The Freedom of the Will | Resolutions and Advice to Young
        17. John Woolman (1720-1772) – The Journal | online
        18. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) – Intro. | Index
          to Spurgeon’s sermons
           | Treasury of David (on all 150
          Psalms) | online
           | Morning and Evening | online
           (daily dose) | Faith’s Checkbook | online
          (daily dose) | Comfort and Assurance | Sermons on Old Testament Women | Sermons on Old Testament Men | Spurgeon’s Sermons on the Parables of
           | Revival | Spurgeon’s Sermons on Proverbs
        19. Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) – Intro. | The Christian’s Secret of a Happy
           | online
           | The God of All Comfort | online
           | God’s Love for You  [TOP]
        20. Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) – My Utmost for His Highest | online
          (daily dose) | Prayer: a Holy Occupation | Studies in the Sermon on the Mount: God’s Character
          and the Believer’s Conduct
           | If You Will Ask | Baffled to Fight Better: Job and the Problem of
           | Faith: a Holy Walk | Devotions for a Deeper Life | Shade of His Hand
        21. William Temple (1881-1944) – Intro. | Hope of a New World | Religious Experience
        22. Charles Sheldon (1857-1946) – In His Steps | e-book edition | online
           | Jesus Is Here (sequel to In His Steps)
        23. Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) – Intro. | The Spiritual Life | Concerning the Inner Life | The Fruits of the Spirit | Abba | Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of
          Man’s Spiritual Consciousness
           | Worship | Works  [TOP]
        24. Thomas R. Kelly (1893-1941) – A Testament of Devotion | online
           | The Eternal Promise: A Sequel to A Testament of
        25. Watchman Nee (1903-1972) – Intro. | The Normal Christian Life | online
           | Prayer Ministry of the Church | Sit, Walk, Stand | The Overcoming Life | The Spiritual Man | Other
        26. George A. Buttrick (1892-1980) – Prayer | So We Believe So We Pray | Giving
          God Thanks
        27. Douglas V. Steere (1901-1995) – Intro. | Gleaning: A Random Harvest | Prayer in a Contemporary World | The Prayer of
        28. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) | Intro. | Alternate
           | Act & Being | Letters and Papers from Prison | Life Together | Christ the Center | The Cost of Discipleship | Ethics | Bibliography
        29. Elizabeth O’Connor (1921-1998) – Intro. | Journey Inward, Journey Outward | Search for Silence | Eighth Day of Creation: Discovering Your Gifts and
          Using Them
           | Our Many Selves | Call to Commitment | Writings
        30. Henri J. M. Nouwen (1932-1996) – Intro. | Writings  [TOP]
  2. Worship [DISCLAIMER: I don’t necessarily endorse everything these writers say, but I think they are worthy of being heard. We often learn more from those with whom we disagree–that’s an important part of “going deeper.”]
    1. Books recommended for purchase:
      1. Oscar Cullmann – Early Christian Worship. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1953. Reprint: Wyndham Hall, 1987.
      2. Gerhard Delling – Worship in the New Testament. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962.
      3. Everett Ferguson – A Capella Music in the Public Worship of the Church. Abilene, TX: Abilene Christian University, 1988.
      4. Louie Giglio – The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 2006.
      5. Milton Jones – The Other Side of the Keyboard. Joplin, MO: College, 2005.
      6. Mike Root – Empty Baskets: Offering Your Life as Worship. Joplin, MO: College, 2000.
      7. Mike Root – Unbroken Bread: Healing Worship Wounds. Joplin, MO: College, 1997.
      8. Mike Root – Spilt Grape Juice: Rethinking the Worship Tradition. Joplin, MO: College, 1992.
      9. Allen P. Ross – Recalling the Hope of Glory: Biblical Worship from the Garden to the New Creation. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2006.
      10. Geoffrey Wainwright and Karen Westerfield-Tucker – The Oxford History of Christian Worship. New York: Oxford University, 2005.
    2. Articles for online reading:
      1. David Peterson – “Worship and Ethics in Romans 12“, Tyndale Bulletin 44, 2 (1993): 271-288.
      2. “[Definition of] Worship Styles”
      3. Wayne Jackson – “What is A Cappella Music?” See also his list of other resources on this subject.
      4. E. de Pressense – “Worship and the Christian Life.” Chapter 6 in his book, The Early Years of Christianity. New York: Charles Scribner, 1870.
      5. Steve Singleton – “Another Look at Worship vs. Football.”
      6. Steve Singleton – “Audience of One: A New Take on the Christian Assembly” (2008).
      7. Steve Singleton – “The Christian’s Call to Huddle” (2008).  [TOP]