Bible in Hebrew and Greek
- Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)
- Online Texts of the TANAKH (The Hebrew Bible)
- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia – text for online reading (Hebrew only) | purchase print edition
- Hebrew/English (in parallel columns)
- Hebrew/English Interlinear (but words arranged left to right)
- Eng. transl. only
- Audio version (Mp3s of Hebrew only)
- Purchase: TANAKH, Jewish Publication Society Pocket Edition (Heb/Eng in parallel columns) | Hebrew/English (interlinear with NIV in par. col.) [TOP]
- Online Hebrew concordance
- G. V. Wigram – Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance – Aleph | Beth | Gimmel | Dalet | He | Vav | Zayin | Kheth | Tet | Yod | Kaph | Lamed | Mem | Nun | Samek | Ayin | Pe | Tsade | Qoph | Resh | Sin | Shin | Tav (1866)
- Strong’s – Hebrew Concordance (transliterated)
- For purchase: G. V. Wigram – Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament (2006) Improved edition, coded to Strong’s concordance
- Text of the Hebrew Bible
- Manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible – Great Isaiah Scroll 100 BCE, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Aleppo Codex about 900 CE | Codex Leningradensis 1008 CE Intro. to Codex Leningradensis >>
- Textual Transmission & Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
- F. Buhl – History of the OT Text (1892)
- Purchase: Ernst Würthwein – The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica (2nd ed., 1994)
- Purchase: Adrian Schenker, ed. – Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible: Relationship between Masoretic Text & Hebrew base of LXX (2003)
- Hebrew language studies
- Online resources
- Purchase: R. Fuller & K. Choi – Invitation to Biblical Hebrew • Workbook • DVD • Entire set | Basics of Biblical Hebrew (with CD) (2003)
- John Parkhurst – Hebrew and English Lexicon (1829)
- Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
- Marcus Jastrow – Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1903).
- Septuagint (LXX) (Greek translation of Hebrew Bible, made c. 250 BCE and later)
- Intro. to the OT in Greek by H. B. Swete (2d ed., 1914)
- Septuaginta (Rahlfs-Hanhart, 2d rev. ed.) – text for online reading (Greek only) | purchase R-H, rev. ed.
- Greek text with Eng. transl. in parallel column
- List of LXX manuscripts (based on Swete’s Intro.)
- Eng. transl. of LXX by L. C. L. Brenton, 1851
- Comparison of Brenton’s transl. with Masoretic Text (KJV) verse by verse
- Purchase: Invitation to the Septuagint by Karen H. Jobes & Moisés Silva | Scholarly ed. | Greek/Eng. (in par. col.)
- Canon of the Old Testament
- H. E. Ryle – Canon of the OT (1892)
- F. Buhl – Canon and Text of the OT (1892)
- G. Wildeboer – The Origin of the Canon of the OT (1895)
- For purchase: William Webster – The Old Testament Canon and the Apocrypha (2003)
- Greek Scriptures (New Testament)
- Online Greek texts of the New Testament | Erwin Nestle – How to Use a Greek New Testament (1951)
- Novum Testamentum Graece (Nestle-Aland 28th ed.) – text for online reading (Greek only) | purchase N-A, 28th | purchase N-A, 28th with ESV on facing pages
- United Bible Societies, 5th ed. – text for online reading (Greek only) | purchase UBS4
- Eclectic Greek text (Nestle/Aland 26th ed.)
- Original Nestle text (1898) – no Greek font needed to view
- Byzantine-type text (Robinson-Pierpoint, 2000 ed. – similar to Textus Receptus)
- Greek/English Interlinear (Scrivener’s text base for KJV, in uncial script)
- Society of Biblical Literature Greek New Testament with critical apparatus
- Greek text with online critical apparatus
- Concordance of the Greek New Testament
- Online concordance to the Greek New Testament (Text: Nestle-Aland, 26th edition)
- Moulton-Geden concordance to Greek NT
- G. V. Wigram – Englishman’s Greek Concordance: Alphabetical Index
- Purchase: Updated Englishman’s Greek Concordance
- Text of the Greek New Testament
- Manuscripts of the Greek New Testament – List of MSS – Dating of NT MSS | Purchase: D. C. Parker – An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and Their Texts (2008, pb: 2015) [TOP]
- Papyri – p45 | p46 | p52 | p66 | p72 | p75 | p115 | Extensive list of NT papyri
- Uncials – Sinaiticus (Aleph, 01) | Alexandrinus (A, 02) | Vaticanus (B, 03) | Ephraemi Rescriptus (C, 04) | Bezae (D, 05) | Laudianus (E, 07) |Boernerianus (Gp/012) | Washingtonianus (W, 032) | Koridethi (Q, 038) | Extensive list of NT uncials
- Cursives – 165 | 1739 | 2060 | Extensive list of NT cursives
- Lectionaries – 809 | Extensive list of NT lectionaries
- Textual transmission & textual criticism of the Greek New Testament
- Short Intro. to NT textual criticism
- B. F. Westcott & F. J. A. Hort – NT in the Original Greek: Introduction (defense of proto-Alexandrian-type text, 1881, reprint 1896) | Abbrev. version
- John W. Burgon – The Revision Revised (defense of Byzantine-type text, 1883)
- B. H. Streeter – “Local & Standard Texts” (Early defense of the eclectic text, selected verse by verse, 1924)
- Bruce M. Metzger and Bart D. Ehrman – The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, 4th ed. (New York: Oxford University, 2005).
- Purchase: Bruce M. Metzger – Textual Commentary on Greek NT | Simplified Textual Commentary
- Purchase: Kurt Aland & Barbara Aland – The Text of the New Testament (1989) [TOP]
- Koiné Greek language studies
- Moses Stuart – A Grammar of the NT Dialect (1834)
- R. C. Trench – Synonyms of the NT (7th ed., 1871) | Flip Book version | PDF version
- James H. Moulton – Grammar of NT Greek (Vol. 1: Prolegomena, 1906)
- Ernest DeWitt Burton – Syntax of Moods & Tenses in NT Greek (2nd ed., 1893) | 3rd ed., 1900 (PDF: 2.16 Mb)
- William E. Elliott – Conditional Sentences in the NT (PDF – 650 kb, 1981)
- Hermann Cremer – Biblico-theological Lexicon of NT Greek (1897)
- H. A. A. Kennedy – Sources of NT Greek or the Influence of the Septuagint on the Vocabulary of the NT (1895)
- E. A. Abbott – Johannine Grammar (1906)
- C. W. Votaw – The Use of the Infinitive in Biblical Greek (1896)
- Friedrich Blass – Grammar of NT Greek (1906)
- A. T. Robertson – A Grammar of the Greek NT in the Light of Historical Research (3d ed., 1919)
- Grammar of NT Greek: Online books & articles
- Online Analytical Greek Lexicon
- Liddell-Scott-Jones – Online lexicon of ancient Greek | Preface (1925, 1940)
- Thesaurus Linguae Graece (index for all ancient Greek) | Lite version
- Papyrology
- Other online resources [TOP]
- For purchase:
- Samuel Lamerson – English Grammar to Ace NT Greek (2004)
- Steve Singleton – Learn the Greek Alphabet: How to Vault the First Hurdle to Learning Greek (1998)
- G. A. Long – Grammatical Concepts 101 for Biblical Greek (2006)
- William Mounce – Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar (2003)
- Daniel B. Wallace – Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics (1996)
- Canon of the New Testament
- B. F. Westcott – General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament during the First Four Centuries (1855)
- Purchase: Bruce M. Metzger – The Canon of the NT: Its Origin, Development, and Significance (1997)
- Purchase: Craig D. Allert – High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the NT Canon (2007)
- Michael J. Kruger – Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books (2012)