Devotional Articles by Steve C. Singleton

  1. Afraid of the light?
  2. A Jericho diary
  3. A little blessing changes everything
  4. Am I W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.? Are you?
  5. Another look at Worship vs. football
  6. Are we worthy of the name?
  7. Ask youself, “So what?”
  8. Bone-box of the rich and famous
  9. Choose your words carefully
  10. Christian, you are a letter from Christ
  11. Christ’s dependability: Count on it!
  12. Come Together or Scatter? A Neglected Purpose of Communion
  13. DINCs, this is for you
  14. Does “No!” mean “Yes”?
  15. Don’t just assume! Think it through!
  16. Do you feel headed for shipwreck?
  17. Either way, you lose!
  18. Enough warm-ups already!
  19. The firstfruit is our best assurance
  20. Gen.  1 and 2 – The serpent’s version
  21. Grumpy is still grumpy
  22. Guard your heart
  23. How did they do it?
  24. How do you measure spiritual growth?
  25. How do you read the Bible?
  26. I know a homeless person
  27. Imprisoned in Liberty
  28. It is mystery, not myth!
  29. Its beauty will justify the effort
  30. Keep ice off your bow
  31. Lazarus at the Triumphal Entry  [TOP]
  32. Learning to believe
  33. Let’s do what it takes
  34. Let’s stop usurping His roles
  35. Neither white-washed nor unmarked
  36. Nested blessings
  37. Never too busy
  38. No covenants with death
  39. Not so with you
  40. Once again, God gets blamed
  41. Only He could ‘amen’ Himself
  42. Peer pressure favors the bold
  43. Pick it up!
  44. 60-second caring
  45. She should have known – part 1
  46. She should have known – part 2
  47. Silas, Paul’s second fiddle
  48. Silently but eloquently they testify
  49. Song of the Prodigal
  50. Stay off sin’s slippery slope
  51. Such love transforms
  52. Thanks, Father
  53. There’s a second temple
  54. Time to reshape our schedules
  55. Try cricket to learn how a convert feels
  56. 20 ways to say, “I’m sorry”
  57. Two beggars can teach us plenty
  58. The undiluted facts about wine and the New Testament
  59. We are children of the resurrection
  60. We are royals!
  61. We need hunger
  62. We’ve been wrestling for 3,000 years
  63. What about the 4400?
  64. What He says goes
  65. What I learned at the potter’s house
  66. What set off that alarm?
  67. What symbolizes your house?
  68. What would you find on God’s mantle?
  69. When God speaks to you –part 1
  70. When God speaks to you –part 2
  71. When your alarm goes off
  72. Who is really committed to reason?
  73. Why did he become a traitor?