Devotional Articles by Steve C. Singleton
Afraid of the light?
- A Jericho diary
- A little blessing changes everything
- Am I W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.? Are you?
- Another look at Worship vs. football
- Are we worthy of the name?
- Ask youself, “So what?”
- Bone-box of the rich and famous
- Choose your words carefully
- Christian, you are a letter from Christ
- Christ’s dependability: Count on it!
- Come Together or Scatter? A Neglected Purpose of Communion
- DINCs, this is for you
- Does “No!” mean “Yes”?
- Don’t just assume! Think it through!
- Do you feel headed for shipwreck?
- Either way, you lose!
- Enough warm-ups already!
- The firstfruit is our best assurance
- Gen. 1 and 2 – The serpent’s version
- Grumpy is still grumpy
- Guard your heart
- How did they do it?
- How do you measure spiritual growth?
- How do you read the Bible?
- I know a homeless person
- Imprisoned in Liberty
- It is mystery, not myth!
- Its beauty will justify the effort
- Keep ice off your bow
- Lazarus at the Triumphal Entry [TOP]
- Learning to believe
- Let’s do what it takes
- Let’s stop usurping His roles
- Neither white-washed nor unmarked
- Nested blessings
- Never too busy
- No covenants with death
- Not so with you
- Once again, God gets blamed
- Only He could ‘amen’ Himself
- Peer pressure favors the bold
- Pick it up!
- 60-second caring
- She should have known – part 1
- She should have known – part 2
- Silas, Paul’s second fiddle
- Silently but eloquently they testify
- Song of the Prodigal
- Stay off sin’s slippery slope
- Such love transforms
- Thanks, Father
- There’s a second temple
- Time to reshape our schedules
- Try cricket to learn how a convert feels
- 20 ways to say, “I’m sorry”
- Two beggars can teach us plenty
- The undiluted facts about wine and the New Testament
- We are children of the resurrection
- We are royals!
- We need hunger
- We’ve been wrestling for 3,000 years
- What about the 4400?
- What He says goes
- What I learned at the potter’s house
- What set off that alarm?
- What symbolizes your house?
- What would you find on God’s mantle?
- When God speaks to you –part 1
- When God speaks to you –part 2
- When your alarm goes off
- Who is really committed to reason?
- Why did he become a traitor?